Katalog Anna Trzopek Język angielski, Scenariusze Cykl lekcji dotyczących tematu "My family" - scenariusz 1Cykl lekcji dotyczących tematu "My family"SCENARIUSZ 1 - lekcja nakierowana na wprowadzenie i przećwiczenie słownictwa związanego z rodzinąCEL OGÓLNY: Doskonalenie sprawności mówienia, rozumienia ze słuchu, pisania i rozumienia tekstu czytanego. CELE OPERACYJNE (SZCZEGÓŁOWE): 1. Wiadomości - Uczeń: - zna podstawowe słówka związane z członkami rodziny, - potrafi odpowiedzieć na proste pytania w czasie teraźniejszym, - zna techniki służące ułatwieniu zrozumienia tekstu czytanego. 2. Umiejętności - Uczeń: - w zakresie sprawności rozumienia tekstu czytanego odczytuje znaczenie wypowiedzi w stopniu pozwalającym mu na selekcję określonych informacji, - odpowiada na pytania szczegółowe dotyczące tekstu, - potrafi zapisać proste zdania, które usłyszy. 3. Cele wychowawcze: - rozwijanie postawy aktywizującej podczas lekcji, - kształcenie umiejętności aktywnej współpracy w parach i w małych grupach, - poznawanie różnych modeli rodziny. CZAS TRWANIA: 1 godzina dydaktyczna METODY I FORMY PRACY: praca indywidualna, w parach i w małych grupach TOPIC: My family LEVEL: Beginners / False Beginners AIMS: - Vocabulary - Members of the family - Saxon Genitive - Personal Questions - Talking about families SKILLS: Listening, writing, speaking, reading ASSUMPTIONS: Students know some basic words connected with members of the family, e.g. "mother", "father", etc. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Some students may have problems with the Saxon Genitive 1. PRESENTATION: Teacher draws a family tree on the black-board eliciting such words as: mother, father, sister, child / children, husband, wife / wives, etc and introducing some new words: great-grandfather, great-grandmother, parents, son, daughter,, nephew, niece. Students practise the pronunciation of the new words chorally and individually. (5 min.) 2. DICTATION: (writing, listening and reading) Pairwork - Handout 1. Teacher puts a text about his/her family on the desk in the corner of the classroom. Students work in pairs - one of them comes up to the desk, reads the text, remembers it and dictates it to his/her friend. The winner is the pair that writes the whole text first. (5 min.) 3. SAXON GENITIVE: (presentation) Students look at the teacher's family tree and teacher writes a marker sentence on the black-board, e.g. Mary is Kate's sister. Students describe other relations in the family. (5 min.) 4. READING: Cher and her family - Handout 2. Warm up - Teacher shows a picture of Cher and asks students: "Do you know her?", "What's her job?", "Do you know any of her songs or films?", "Do you like her?" Teacher pre-teaches the word "ancestor". Students read a short text about Cher and her family and answer the following questions: - What nationality are her ancestors? - What is her first husband's name? - What is the title of their first hit record? - How many children has she got? (10 min.) 5. A MEMORY GAME:(listening and writing) Students read the text once again and try to remember as many details as they can. They close their books. Teacher reads the same text but with some false information. Students work in groups of four - they are supposed to write down all the mistakes. (5 min.) 6. ME AND MY FAMILY: (speaking and listening) Pair-work. One student describes his/her family and the other one draws the family tree. Then they speak about the members of the family using Saxon Genitive. (12 min.) 7. HOMEWORK: - Bring a picture of your family - Draw your family tree and describe relations in it using Saxon Genitive e.g. "John is Peter's grandson." (8 - 10 sentences) SOURCE: Handout 2 - Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn - Blueprint 1 Unit 7 HANDOUT 1 MY FAMILY My family is quite big. I have got two sisters and one brother. Their names are: Mary, Kate and Peter. Mary is 23 years old, Kate is 19 years old and Peter is only 10. My sisters like pop music very much and my brother loves animals. He has a dog and a parrot. My mother works in an office and my father is an engineer. They both like reading books and going for walks. I am interested in history and geography. I love traveling as well. HANDOUT 2 Read about Cher, a famous American film star, and answer the questions. 1. What nationality are her ancestors? 2. What is her first husband's name? 3. What is the name of their first hit record? 4. How many children has she got? CHER Cher's real name is Cherilyn La Pierre. Her family ancestors were French, Turkish, Armenian and Cherokee Indian. Her first husband was called Sonny Bono and together as "Sonny and Cher", their record, "I Got You Babe", was a big hit in 1965. Cher won an Oscar for Best Actress in the film Moonstruck in 1988. She has got two children, a daughter called Chastity by her first husband and a son by her second husband called Elijah Blue.
Opracowanie: mgr Anna Trzopek Wyświetleń: 9653
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