Katalog Magdalena Piecha, Agnieszka Bil-Malarz Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy The United States - A General Knowledge QuizTHE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - A GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ1.When Columbus discovered America hę was on his way to. ....a. China and India b. China and Japan c. India and Egypt 2. The man who fell in love with the Indian princess Pocahontas was ................... a. George Washington b. Captain John Smith c. Buffalo Bill 3. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? a. 4 th of July 1776 b. 3 rd of July 1775 c. 4 th of July 1775 4. How long did the Civil War last? a. 3 years b. 5 years c. 4 years 5. When did the USA enter the First World War? a. 1914 b. 1917 c. 1915 6. A dance known as Charleston appeared in. ............ a. 1930s b. 1920s c. 1950s 7. The end of the good times for the stock - market, known as the Great Depression came in. ...... a. 1928 b. 1925 c. 1929 8. When was John Kennedy assassinated? a. 1969 b. 1970 c. 1963 9. Which branch of the American Government does the President represent? a. Legislative b. Executive c. Judicial 10. There are two leading parties in the USA: a. the Democratic and the Conservative party b. the Republican and the Conservative party c. the Democratic and the Republican party 11. OSCAR - the name of the prestigious award granted by the American motion - picture industry first appeared in................. a. 1928 b. 1930 c. 1929 12. There are 50 stars and. ........ stripes in the US flag. a. 15 b. l6 c. l3 13. The capital of New York State is: a. New York City b. Albany c. Washington 14. Alaska was bought from Russia in. ....... a. 1867 b. 1854 c. 1912 15. The smallest of the 50 states is: a. Massachusetts b. New Jersey c. Rhode Island 16. What are these people famous for?
a. George Washington ' s b. Henry David Thoreau 's c. Abraham Lincoln's 18. One of these people was not a jazz musician, which one? a. John Tobin b. Miles Davis c. Ella Fitzgerald 19. Who said "TIME IS MONEY"? a. John Kennedy b. Abraham Lincoln c. Benjamin Franklin 20. Which of these is not a university? a. Yale b. West Point c. Fort Knox 21 Manhattan was bought for. ...... a. 10 000 dollars b. 7 dollars c. 24 dollars 22. The man who started Mc Donalds was. ... a. Nathaniel Courthope b. Ray Kroc c. Richard Burton 23. Who is the author of the book titled "TARZAN OF THE APES": a. H.P. Lovecraft b. Edgar Rice Burroughs c. Ernest Hemingway 24. Kurt Vonnegut is the author of. ... a. "MOTHER NIGHT" b. "THE GRAPES OF WRATH" c. "THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER" 25 The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous sight of. ... a. Hollywood b. Chicago c. San Francisco 26. Which city has become known as The Big Apple? a. New York b. Philadelphia c. Chicago 27. Thanksgiving is celebrated in. .... a. July b. November c. after Christmas 28. Coca-Cola has its headquarters in. ... a. Nashville b. Atlanta c. Dallas 29. The Ivy League is a (an); a. association of universities b. TV series c. baseball division 30. The pen- name of Samuel Laughorne Clemens was: a. Jack London b. Mark Twain c. Herman Melville 31. COUNTRY music is associated with a. Wisconsin b. Michigan c. Tennessee 32. Which of the lakes is shared by the USA and Canada? a. Lake Michigan b. Lake Winnipeg c. Lake Ontario 33. The Hoover Dam is on the. ..... a. Ohio River b. Missouri River c. Colorado River 34. Pontiac was a. ..... a. pioneer b. car designer c. Indian chief 35. Alan J. Pakula will be remembered as an outstanding a. conductor b. fashion designer c. film director Odpowiedzi: 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.b 10.c 11.c 12.c 13.b 14.a 15.c 16.1b, 2c, 3a 17.a 18.a 19.c 20.c 21.c 22.b 23.b 24.a 25.c 26.a 27.b 28.b 29.a 30.b 31.c 32.c 33.c 34.c 35.c Quiz został opracowany na podstawie testów olimpiady okręgowej, testów egzaminów wstępnych na Uniwersytet Śląski oraz artykułów zamieszczonych w czasopiśmie: "The World of English".
Opracowanie: mgr Agnieszka Bil-Malarz Wyświetleń: 5001
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