
Olena Savosh, 2020-08-24

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy


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Test Paper Smart Time 3
Grammar: -Ing Forms/Infinitive

I. Uzupełnij podane zdania.
1 I eat a lot of vegetables ………………………. (be) healthy.
2 Paul goes ………………………. (jog) early in the morning.
3 We might ………………………. (get) a pizza for dinner.
4 Susan loves ………………………. (go) jogging.
5 Maria would like ………………………. (visit) my new gym.
6 You should always ………………………. (stretch) before you exercise.
7 Katy wants ………………………. (learn) how to sail.
8 Peter let me ………………………. (join) their party tonight.
9 Jane would love ………………………. (play) hockey for the school team.
10 Abigail doesn’t like ………………………. (do) the washing up after she cooks.
11 I’m used to ……………………(hear) car alarms all night, since there is a lot of crime in my neighbourhood.
12 They used to ………………… (install) security cameras outside the school.
13 Is Frank strong enough ………………………(become) a security guard?
Score: ____/13

Wyświetleń: 0

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