
Jolanta Mrochen, 2020-07-27

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Test. Klasa VI.

- n +

1 Zakreśl odpowiednie wyrazy.
I’m calling Sandra, but she isn’t speaking / answering her phone.
1 I always send my grandma a card / conversation on her birthday.
2 An email / emoticon is a picture that you can put in text messages.
3 I sometimes talk to my cousin in Australia using video ringtone / chat.
4 I always take my mobile / landline phone to school.
5 Most of my friends use social credit / media every day.
6 I enjoy Facebook, but I prefer to have a face-to-face conversation / voicemail with a friend.
7 I want to speak to Paul, but I can’t. His phone is engaged / back.
8 This is 90835, not 90853. You’ve got the bad / wrong number!
9 I need to top up my mobile phone. I haven’t got any credit / media.
10 I can’t hear you. Can you speak on / up, please?

2. Przetłumacz zwroty.
Poczta głosowa-
Linia jest zajęta-
Rozmowa twarzą w twarz-
Powtórz proszę-
Linia naziemna-
Media społecznościowe-
Zły numer-
Telefon komórkowy-
Kto mówi?-
Zaczekaj na linii-
Rozmowa telefoniczna-
Zostawić wiadomość-
Poczta elektroniczna-
Rozmawiać przez telefon-
Brudnopis dla ucznia:
(Nie podlega sprawdzeniu przez nauczyciela)

3 Dopasuj 1–6 do a–f.
1 call a a number
2 hang b a text message
3 leave c up
4 send d a ringtone
5 dial e back
6 download f a voicemail
1 Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw am, is lub are.

The dog is sleeping in the garden.
1 We ______ waiting for a bus.
2 I ______ not listening to music right now.
3 Jane ______ playing tennis at the moment.
4 My friends ______ watching TV this evening.
5 My dad ______ not working today.
2 Uzupełnij zdania formami czasu present continuous czasowników z nawiasów. Karen isn’t watching a film. (not watch)
1 The children __________ breakfast now. (have)
2 Ben ____________ his homework. (not do)
3 I ____________ English this morning. (study)
4 You ____________ an email. (not write)
5 My dad ____________ in the kitchen. (sit)
3 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
is / sitting / your / Where / friend
Where is your friend sitting?
1 you / What / doing / are
2 sister / an / writing / Is / your / email
3 your / playing / cousins / tennis / Are
4 waiting / Why / we / are
5 is / going / brother / your / Where

ILOŚĆ PUNKTÓW:………………………………………………

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