
Jolanta Mrochen, 2020-07-27

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Past Simple. Test.

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Imię i nazwisko ucznia:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

1. Czasowniki w nawiasie wstaw w czasie Past Simple:
1. I (buy) this book last week.
2. We (visit) them last month.
3. Tom (come ) home late yesterday.
4. I (eat) lunch at 12. 30 yesterday. It (be) delicious!
5. She (phone) me in the morning.
6. I (go ) to the cinema last night.
7. My mum (not cook) dinner on Sunday. We (go ) to a restaurant.
8. I (write ) an e- mail three days ago.
9. I (be )late for maths on Thursday. My teacher (be) angry with me.
10. My friends (see) a great film last night.
11. I (not buy ) this book. It (be ) a present
12. I (give) my friend some red roses. She (be) surprised.
13. John (not take) his exams last year. He (be) ill.
14. The train( leave) at 11.15.
15. They (go) on holiday to Italy. The weather (be) fantastic.
16. I (be) bor n on 12 August.
17. We (have) a test on Wednesday. It (be) not easy.
18. Anna (not write) a test. She (be) absent.
19. He (buy) new glasses last month.
20. We (not sell) our house. We still live in it.

2. Przetłumacz na język polski zdania z Ćwiczenia 1.

3. Uzupełnij pytania:
1. I bough a New CD. How much……………………………………………………………………………………?
2. Tom came home late yesterday. Why ……………………………………………………………………….?
3. I found my key. Where………………………………………………………………………………………………?
4. I didn’t know what to do. Why…………………………………………..ask me?
5. Tom gave me some flowers. How many………………………………………………………………………?

4. Utwórz formę PAST SIMPLE od podanych czasowników według wzoru:
1. Go- iść went- poszłam, poszedłem
2. See-
3. Like-
4. Buy-
5. Sell-
6. Give-
7. Play-
8. Come-
9. Work-
10. Open-
5. Odpowiedz na pytania pisemnie:
1. What did you have for lunch three days ago?
2. What present did you gave tour best friend for her birthday?
3. What time did you come to school on Monday?
4. What time did your friends leave school yesterday?
5. How much did you pay for your mobile phone?
Wyświetleń: 0

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