
Barbara Gradowska-Stępień, 2020-05-28

Język angielski, Ćwiczenia


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New Hot Spot 3 – ćwiczenia
Wyrażenia BE GOING TO używamy do przewidywania wydarzeń na podstawie tego,
co w danej chwili widzimy lub słyszymy (przewidywanie przeszłości oparte na wyraźnych dowodach) np. Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain. (Popatrz na chmury! Będzie padać)
zadanie 1: Ułóż zdania, używając formy going to (am/is/are going to)
np. It / snow.  It is going to snow.
1. Kate / be ill. ...........................................................................................................
2. He / feed the cat. ...........................................................................................................
3. He / drop off the chair. ...........................................................................................................
4. They / play football. ...........................................................................................................
5. You/ drop the books. ...........................................................................................................
6. Jane / spill the milk. ...........................................................................................................
7. Jane and Kate / break the vase. ..............................................................................................
8. Mandy / trip over the broom. .............................................................................................
9. Jill / break the glass. ...........................................................................................................
10. They / trip over the dog. ........................................................................................................
11. The cat/ fall off the tree. ........................................................................................................
Określniki ilości
1. TOO MANY (zbyt wiele) – przed rzeczownikami POLICZALNYMI
I have too many apples.
2. TOO MUCH (zbyt wiele) – przed rzeczownikami NIEPOLICZALNYMI
There is too much traffic in our town
3. ENOUGH (wystarczająco dużo) – PRZED rzeczownikami, ale PO przymiotnikach
My brother doesn’t drink enough water.
Our home is big enough.

ćwiczenie 2: Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
1. There isn’t / aren’t enough tables for all these children.
2. I don’t like this soup – it is too much salty / isn’t enough salty.
3. Do we have to do all these exercises? There are too much / many!
4. We haven’t got enough / too many money to buy all these things.
5. She isn’t old enough / isn’t enough old to drive a car.
6. He is making too much / too many noise!

ćwiczenie 3: Ułóż zdania używając: too much, too many, enough i wyrazów w nawiasach
np. She doesn’t go to school. She is not................... (old) => She is not old enough.
1. My brother doesn’r driver a car. She isn’t .................................................. (old)
2. My suitcase is heavy. I have ...........................................................(things) in it.
3. I can’t go out! It is not ........................................................... (warm)

ćwiczenie 4: Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając: too much, too many, enough
np. I haven’t got TOO MUCH time.
1. There are ................................... books in the bag. I can’t carry it.
2. There is ..................................... traffic in this town.
3. There isn’t .............................. food in the fridge. We must go shopping.
4. I can’t hear you. There is .......................................... noise here.
5. It isn’t warm.................................................... to go out.
6. His jacket isn’t warm ...........................................

ćwiczenie 5: Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
1 There are too many / too much shops here.
2 Don’t make too many / too much noise.
3 There are too many / too much tourists.
4 This dress costs too many / too much money.
5 Hurry up! There really isn’t too many / too much time.

ćwiczenie 6: Wstaw “enough” w odpowiednie miejsce w zdaniu.
np. We don’t have money. We don’t have enough money.
1 Do you have time?
2 Is the radio loud?
3 Do you have water to drink?
4 We have money to go shopping.
5 She isn’t old.
6 I didn’t eat breakfast.
7 It’s not warm.

Wyświetleń: 0

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