Katalog Sylwia Markiewicz, 2020-05-22 Piaseczno Język angielski, Scenariusze Scenariusz Festiwalu Piosenek Angielskich dla Szkoły PodstawowejScenariusz Festiwalu Piosenek Angielskich dla Szkoły Podstawowej, przeprowadzonego 7 lutego 2020r. w Specjalnym Ośrodku Szkolno-Wychowawczym w Piasecznie Odpowiedzialni za przygotowanie i przeprowadzenie konkursu – zespół nauczycieli języków obcych Cele konkursu: - prezentacja umiejętności wokalnych uczniów, - propagowanie nauki języków obcych poprzez piosenkę, - promowanie aktywności twórczej wśród uczniów, - motywowanie uczniów do nauki języka angielskiego w ciekawy i przyjemny sposób, - promowanie nowych talentów, - utrwalanie i wzbogacanie leksyki, - praca nad poprawną wymową, - przygotowanie uczniów do publicznych wystąpień, - przezwyciężanie tremy i stresu, umiejętność zachowania się na scenie, - realizacja marzeń i ambicji, - budzenie wiary we własne siły i talent. Przebieg konkursu: Witamy serdecznie wszystkich uczniów oraz grono pedagogiczne na Festiwalu Piosenek Angielskich w naszym Ośrodku. Na początku zapraszamy do stanowisk jurorskich Panią Dyrektor oraz dwóch nauczycieli z kadry pedagogicznej. Występ klasy 1a Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę o jedzeniu: I like chicken. I like cheese. Refren: Mmm. Yummy! Yummy! Yum! Oh, yum! (x2) I like spaghetti. I like pizza. (Refren) I like water. I like bread. (Refren). Występ klay 1b oraz klasy 1e Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę o częściach twarzy: My eyes. My ears. My mouth. My nose. This is my face. And this is my hair. (x3) Występ klasy 1d oraz klasy 2d, 3d Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę o częściach ciała: Refren: Stretch your body 1, 2, 3, Stretch your body with me! Short legs, long legs, Stretch your legs, Long, long legs. Short arms, long arms, Stretch your arms, Long, long arms. Short fingers, long fingers, Stretch your fingerss, Long, long fingers. (Refren) Występ klasy 2a/3a Klasa zaśpiewa piosenkę pt: "Hello, hello. It's me, It's me". Hello! Hello! It’s me! It’s me! A nose and a mouth, Just look at me! A nose and a mouth, Just look at me! Hello! Hello! It’s me! It’s me! Two eyes and two ears, Just look at me! Two eyes and two ears, A nose and a mouth, Just look at me! Hello! Hello! It’s me! It’s me! Two legs and two feet, Just look at me! Two legs and two feet, Two eyes and two ears, A nose and a mouth, Just look at me! Goodbye! Goodbye! It’s me! It’s me! Two arms and two hands, Goodbye from me! Two arms and two hands, Two legs and two feet, Two eyes and two ears, A nose and a mouth, Goodbye from me! Goodbye! Występ klasy 2b oraz klasy 2e Uczniowie zaśpiewają oraz zatańczą do słów piosenki: Refren: Toys, toys! Listen to the song! Toys, toys! Dance, dance, dance! (x2) 1, 2, 3 Clap, clap, clap 4, 5, 6 Stamp, stamp, stamp 7,8 Turn around 9, 10 Touch the ground. (Refren) Występ klasy 3b Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę o częściach ciała: Look at my body! (x2) Head, tummy, arms and legs (x2) Look at my body! (x2) I’ve got a big body. Występ klasy 4a Klasa 4a zaśpiewa piosenkę pt: „Twinkle twinkle little star”. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Then the traveller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye, Till the sun is in the sky. As your bright and tiny spark, Lights the traveller in the dark. Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. How I wonder what you are. Występ klasy 4b Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę pt: “What do you do?” What do you do? What do you do? What do you do in the morning? I get up. I have breakfast. I go to school. That’s what I do. That’s what I do. That’s what I do in the morning. What do you do? What do you do? What do you do in the afternoon? I have my lunch. I learn at school. I go home. That’s what I do in the afternoon. What do you do? What do you do? What do you do in the evening? I do my homework. I have my dinner. I play with my toys. That’s what I do in the evening. What do you do? What do you do? What do you do at night? I say goodnight. I brush my teeth. I go to bed. That’s what I do at night. Występ klasy 4c Klasa 4c zaśpiewa piosenkę pt: „Little snowflake”. Snowflake , snowflake Little snowflake Little snowflake falling from the sky Snowflake , snowflake Little snowflake Falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling Falling on my head Snowflake , snowflake Little snowflake Little snowflake falling from the sky Snowflake , snowflake Little snowflake Falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling Falling on my nose Snowflake , snowflake Little snowflake Little snowflake falling from the sky Snowflake , snowflake Little snowflake Falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling Falling in my hand Falling on my head Falling on my nose Falling in my hand Snowflake , snowflake Little snowflake Występ klasy 5a Klasa piąta zaśpiewa piosenkę pt: "Tall, the Tallest. Who Is The Tallest In The World?" Tall, the tallest, tall, the tallest. Who is the tallest in the world? The giraffe! The giraffe! Big, the biggest, big, the biggest. Who is the biggest in the world? The elephant! The elephant! Fast, the fastest, fast, the fastest! Who is the fastest in the world? The cheetah! The cheetah! Small, the smallest, small, the smallest! Who is the smallest in the world? The hummingbird! The hummingbird! Występ klasy 6a Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę pt: „Eight in my family”: Eight in my family. Eight in my family. My mum and dad, My brother and me, My sister and cousin, My uncle and auntie. That’s eight in my family! Eight in my family. Występ klasy 6b Klasa szósta zaśpiewa piosenkę o wakacjach: Our summer camp is in the country. We go to the mountains And we walk, walk, walk. We go to the lake And we swim, swim, swim. Summer camp is fun! Our summer camp is at the beach. We go to the park And we play, play, play. We go to the swimming pool And we swim, swim, swim. Summer camp is fun! Występ klasy 7a Klasa szósta zaśpiewa piosenkę o podróżowaniu: When you want to travel, You must have your ticket, You must have your ticket, When you want to travel. When you want to travel, You must have your money, You must have your money, When you want to travel. When you want to travel, You must have your backpack, You must have your backpack, When you want to travel. When you want to travel, You must have your passport, You must have your passport, When you want to travel. Występ klasy 7c Klasa 7c zaśpiewa: “Would you like to wake up early in the morning?’ Would you like to wake up early in the morning? In the morning? No, I wouldn’t. No, I wouldn’t. Would you like to go to school in the morning? In the morning? No, I wouldn’t. No, I wouldn’t. Would you like to sleep late in the morning? Yes, I would! Yes, I always would! Would you like to go to bed early in the evening? In the evening? No, I wouldn’t. No, I wouldn’t. Would you like to do your homework in the evening? In the evening? No, I wouldn’t. No, I wouldn’t. Would you like to stay up late in the evening? Yes, I would! Yes, I always would! Występ klasy 7f Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę o czynnościach dnia codziennego: I get up in the morning in the morning in the morning. I get up in the morning Stretch, stretch, stretch! I have a shower in the morning… Splash, splash, splash! I brush my teeth in the morning… Brush, brush, brush! I get dressed in the morning… Zip, zip, zip! I have breakfast in the morning… Munch, munch, munch! I go to school in the morning.. Run, run, run! Występ klasy 8a Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę pt: "Can I have a pizza?" Can I have a pizza, a pizza, a pizza? Can I have a pizza? Yes, here you are. Can I have some chicken, some chicken, some chicken? Can I have some chicken? Yes, here you are. Can I have a chocolate cake, a chocolate cake, a chocolate cake? Can I have a chocolate cake? Yes, here you are. Can I have a glass of milk, a glass of milk, a glass of milk? Can I have a glass of milk? Yes, here you are. Występ klasy 8b Uczniowie zaśpiewają piosenkę pt: "What's your favourite season?" What's your favourite season? Spring, summer, autumn or winter? X2 I like spring when the clouds are in the sky. The flowers grow tall and the birds fly high. I like summer when it’s nice and hot. I swim in the sea and I play a lot. What's your favourite season? Spring, summer, autumn or winter? X2 I love autumn when the trees are gold. I jump in the leaves and I don’t get cold. I love winter when there’s lots of snow. I run and I shout : Hello, winter! Hello! Występ klasy 8bw Uczniowie zaśpiewją piosenkę zespołu Queen pt: „Bicycle race”: Bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like You say black I say white You say bark I say bite You say shark I say hey man Jaws was never my scene And I don't like Star Wars You say Rolls I say Royce You say God give me a choice You say Lord I say Christ I don't believe in Peter Pan Frankenstein or Superman All I wanna do is Bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my Występ klasy 8e Klasa 8e zaśpiewa "Let's visit Egypt" Let's visit Egypt. Let's visit Egypt. It’s an interesting country. X2 You can sail on the river Nile. X2 Egypt is a great country. You can go to the seaside. X2 Egypt is a great country. Let's visit Egypt. Let's visit Egypt. It’s an interesting country. X2 You can ride on a camel. X2 Egypt is a great country. You can visit the pyramids. X2 Egypt is a great country. Let's visit Egypt. Let's visit Egypt. It’s an interesting country. X2 Zanim szanowni jurorzy ustalą werdykt zapraszamy na występ poza konkursem klasę 1Lb. Uczniowie liceum zaśpiewają piosenkę grupy One direction pt: „One way or another”: One way or another I’m gonna find you I’m gonna get you, get you, get you, get you One way or another I’m gonna win you I’m gonna get you, get you, get you, get you [Zayn] : One way or another I’m gonna see you I’m gonna meet you, meet you, meet you, meet you One day, maybe next week I’m gonna meet you, I’m gonna meet you I'll meet you [Niall] : I will drive past your house And if the lights are all down I’ll see who’s around [Louis] : Let's go! [Liam] : One way or another I’m gonna find you I’m gonna get ya get ya get ya get you One way or another I’m gonna win you I’ll get you, I’ll get you Na zakończenie naszego festiwalu będziemy mieli przyjemność posłuchać piosenki grupy the Beatles w wykonaniu szkolnego kabaretu pod kierunkiem p. Tatiany Gliniak. Kabaret zaśpiewa piosenkę pt: „All together now”: One, two, three, four Can I have a little more? Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten I love you A,B,C,D Can I bring my friend to tea? E,F,G,H,I,J I love you Sail the ship, chop the tree, Skip the rope Look at me x2 All together now x8 Black, white, green, red Can I take my friend to bed? Pink, brown, yellow, orange and blue I love you All together now x8 Prosimy szanownych jurorów o podanie werdyktu, które klasy zajęły I, II oraz III miejsca w konkursie. Opracowała: Sylwia Markiewicz Wyświetleń: 0
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