
Magdalena Mączyńska, 2019-06-18

Język angielski, Zadania

Password 1, Multiple Choice Test ,Unit 5

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Password 1 Unit 5 test A

1 Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź, zakreślając ją kółkiem:

1. A playwright writes …………
a) dramas b) novels c) spy stories
2. The story in a book is called ………..
a) history b) plot c) ending
3. My favourite band came to my city, I was really …………
a) excitement b) exciting c) excited
4. All tickets were sold …………
a) off b) up c) out
5. I was so tired, so I went ….. sleep.
a) to b) for c) in
6. I decided to go ….. a walk yesterday.
a) to b) for c) in
7. Are you …….. tonight?
a) lazy b) free c) handsome
8. ……. meet at 4.45 p.m. .
a) Let’s b) Maybe c) How
9. I’ve always been good at photography, …. I’ve decided to take part in a competition.
a) so b) but c) because
10. I’d …… to go to the cinema with you.
a) like b) seem c) have
11. The students at the language school …….. practise speaking every day.
a) must not b) has to c) have to
12. You ……… buy tickets to see the art exhibition.
a) has to b) have to c) must
13. Where is the concert ….? At the National Stadium.
a) on b) by c) at
14. You………. talk at the cinema.
a) don’t have to b) must c) mustn’t
15. ………… read many books at school?
a) Do you have to b) Must you c) Mustn’t you
16. I’m sure I ………. become a doctor in the future.
a) will b) am going to c) can
17. Next weekend we………….. visit Rome.
a) are going to b) am going to c) will
18. I don’t think people …….read books in 30years time.
a) will b) are going to c) aren’t going to
19. I’m not going ……. at the weekend. I have a Maths test on Monday.
a) on b) in c) out
20. This film was a real …………… A lot of people saw it in the cinema.
a) big screen b) blockbuster c) documentary

Password 1 Unit 5 test B

1 Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź, zakreślając ją kółkiem:

1. A poet writes……….
a) short stories b) poems c) spy stories
2. The music in a film is called ………..
a) story b) band c) soundtrack
3. My favourite band came to my city, I was really…….
a) excited b) excitment c) exciting
4. All tickets were sold…. .
a) out b) up c) in
5. I was so tired, so I went back ….. my campsite.
a) to b) for c) in
6. I want to go ….. a walk.
a) to b) for c) in
7. Are you …….. tonight?
a) lazy b) free c) at
8. ……. about meeting at 5 p.m. .
a) Let’s b) Maybe c) How
9. I’ve always been good at cooking, …. I’ve decided to take part in a cooking competition.
a) so b) but c) because
10. I’d ……. to go to the theatre with you.
a) like b) seem c) have
11.The students at the balley school ……. practise every day.
a) must not b) has to c) have to
12. He ……… buy tickets to see the art exhibition.
a) has to b) have to c) must
13. Where is the concert ….? At the National Stadium.
a) on b) by c) at
14. You………. eat in the museum.
a) don’t have to b) must c) mustn’t
15. ………… read many books at school?
a) Do you have to b) Must you c) Mustn’t you
16. I’m sure I ………. become a policeman in the future.
a) will b) am going to c) can
17. Next weekend I ………….. visit my grandparents.
b) are going to b) am going to c) will
18. I think people …….read books in 30years time.
a) will not b) are going to c) aren’t going to
19. I’m not going ……. at the weekend. I have a lot of things to do at home.
a) on b) in c) out
20. I like watching films on the ………. in the cinema.
a) big screen b) channel c) station

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