
Jaromir Wójcik, 2018-06-26
Dąbrowa Górnicza

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Test gramatyczny Past Simple i Past Continuous, zaimki względne, określenia ilości

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I. Uzupełnij zdania jednym ze słów: some, any, much, many, a few, a little.

1. I haven't got many English magazines, only __________ .
2. We haven't got __________ information about this country - nothing at all.
3. It didn't rain last summer so there was only __________ water in the river.
4. I haven't got __________ money, just five euros.
5. A: Were there __________ people at the concert?
B: Yes, thousands.
6. He gave me __________ good advice.
7. We haven't got __________ time before the train leaves, only five minutes.

II. Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie czasu Past Simple lub Past Continuous.

One day, when I (walk) ____________________ to school, I (see) ____________________ something unusual. A woman (sing) ___________________ and a lot of people (watch) ____________________ her. I didn't recognise her, so I (continue) ____________________ on my way to school but when I (arrive) ____________________, nobody (be) ____________________ there. Half an hour later all the other students (come) ____________________ . They (talk) ____________________ about a surprise concert by our music teacher in the street and I was the only person who (not see) ____________________ it!

III. Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi zaimkami względnymi: when, where, who, whose, which.

1. Russia is a country __________ it is very cold in winter.
2. The weekend is a time __________ people can usually relax.
3. English is a language __________ people speak all over the world.
4. Tennis is a sport __________ has many fans in lots of different countries.
5. New York is a city __________ they make a lot of films.
6. August is a month __________ lots of people go on holiday.
7. Johnny Depp is the actor __________ starred in Pirates of the Caribbean.
8. That's the man ___________ wife is famous.
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