Katalog Jaromir Wójcik, 2018-06-26 Dąbrowa Górnicza Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy Test: Mowa zależna (Reported Speech)NAME: Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną: 1. "I've donated some money to the conservation charity yesterday", said John. 2. "The teacher is going to give us some extra materials tomorrow", said Bill. 3. "I'll see you for lunch in this new restaurant", she told me. 4. "We don't really like coming here", she told her. 5. "I visited Frank in hospital last week", said Eve. 6. "I wasn't working when you phoned", said Cathy. 7. "You're not ready now", he told me. 8. "I'm not going to vote in the elections next month", said Mark. 9. "Are you sure about this answer?", the teacher asked the boy. 10. "Is it your birthday today?", Beth asked Nathan. 11. "Do you know the time?", he asked Jack. 12. "How did you know my name?", Will asked the girl. 13. "Where have you put my glasses?", Eric asked Sally. 14. "What did you think of the exam we had last week?", he asked me. 15. "Have you booked our concert tickets yet?", Mark asked Jane. 16. "How long will you be staying in New York?", Karl asked William. Wyświetleń: 0
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