
Karolina Sochan, 2017-06-13

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Past Simple TEST, grupa B

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1.Uzupełnij zdania wybranym czasownikiem w czasie Past Simple:

clean, eat, meet, take, dance, watch

1) I …………. dinner at 6 p.m. yesterday.
2) Yesterday evening I ……………… a good film on TV.
3) I was at a party with my friends and …………... a lot to some good music.
4) My sister ………… a new boy at the supermarket last weekend.
5) I …………… the bathroom yesterday.
6) Ann ……….. some good photos of her children in the park last summer.

2. Uzupełnij zdania w przeczeniu w czasie Past Simple.

1) She ………. (buy) a new car last weekend.
2) I ……….. (study) Spanish at primary school.
3) Tom …………. (like) the birthday present.
4) I ………….(see) your sister at the party on Friday.
5) Kate ……….(be) at school yesterday because she was ill.

3. Napisz pytania w czasie Past Simple.

1) Pat went home at 3 o’clock.
2) We played tennis yesterday.
3) We had a good holiday last summer.
4) I slept well last night.
5) It rained a lot yesterday.
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