Katalog Karolina Sochan, 2017-06-13 Chojnice Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy Past Simple TEST,grupa APast Simple, GROUP A 1.Uzupełnij zdania wybranym czasownikiem w czasie Past Simple: work, go, buy, play, finish, drink 1) On Saturday I ……………… to the cinema with my friends. 2) My father ………….. four cups of coffee yesterday. 3) The weather was good so we ………………. football yesterday. 4) My parents …………………. a new car for 10.000 $. 5) The party on Friday ………………. at midnight. 6) Terry ……………… in a bank from 1890 to 1999. 2.Uzupełnij zdania w przeczeniu w czasie Past Simple. 1) We………….(go) to school yesterady. 2) You ………..(arrive) on time. 3) Tom ………(come) to the swimming pool this morning. 4) My sister ………(eat) any breakfast today. 5) We were tired after the school trip but we ………….(be) hungry. 3.Napisz pytania w czasie Past Simple. 1) I watched TV last night. 2) Sara met a new boyfriend at the party. 3) Kate took some nice photos in the park last weekend. 4) My father cleaned his car yesterday. 5) We had dinner with friends last Sunday. Wyświetleń: 0
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