Katalog Maria Neumann, 2017-05-04 Brodnica Język angielski, Karty pracy Karta pracy wstaw slowa do zdań klasa 2 gimnazjumZad 1. Wstaw odpowiednie słowa w odpowiednie miejsce: modern, people, shy, jealous, isn’t, any, confident, interview, where, are, neighbours, 1. My car ________ old fashioned, it is __________________. 2. Please, speak up, don’t be ______________. 3. He wants the same things that I have – I think he is ______________. 4. Have you got ______________ questions? 5. He always knows what to say, I believe he is _____________. 6. Are these ______________ your ______________? Yes, they live next door. 7. ______________ are they? At home, I guess. 8. What are you doing? I am reading an _____________ with my favourite singer. 9. ___________ you Polish? Yes, I am. Zad 2. Dialog 1. (With, seaside, lucky, holiday, did, place, friend , to , parents, choose ) Jack: Hi, Mike! Where …………. you go on…………….? Mike: Hi, Jack! Well, I wanted to go the mountains and my ……………wanted ……….. go to the seaside. Jack : Did you go……… your parents? Mike: No, my ……………from London invited me to his ……………, so I didn’t have to ……………. between the mountains and the …………….. Jack: …………….you, holidays in London! Wstaw słowa do zdań; ( favour, enjoys , happen, like much, special, mean, day, for, shame, did, quite, bright, apologise, advantages, might, on, once, matter, mind, ) 1. How did it _____________? By mistake. 2. Have a nice __________ 3. The room is __________ big. 4. What’s the _______________________? 5. Never _____________________. 6. Can you do me a _____________________? 7. How ______________ are they? 8. They _________________ steal your books. 9. What _____________ you do ? 10. What a ________________. 11. The room is very _______________. 12. What does it ________________? 13. Can I try it ________? 14. They have got some great ___________________. 15. The living room creates ______________ atmosphere. 16. I’m looking ____________ a responsible person. 17. I’d ________ to visit you. 18. She’s calling to ____________________ to him. 19. __________ or twice a week. 20. He ________________ spending the time outdoors. Wyświetleń: 0
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