Katalog Katarzyna Beker, 2017-04-26 Złotów Język angielski, Konkursy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego - Idiomy AngielskieSzkolny konkurs – idiomy angielskie Name Surname class 1. Translate into English BUŁKA Z MASŁEM MIEĆ CIĘTY JĘZYK LEJE JAK Z CEBRA RZUT BERETEM DRUGA STRONA MEDALU MŁODY DUCHEM BYĆ ‘DZIANYM’ NIE NA TEMAT W ZŁYM GUŚCIE NA DOBRE 2. Translate into Polish A PRETTY PENNY ALL SET ALIKE AS TWO PEAS KILL TIME A BONE OF CONTENTION AT LARGE SEE PINK ELEPHANTS TO LOSE HEART A PACK OF LIES A SLAP IN THE FACE 3. Complete the sentences. I don’t feel good in my work. My boss.................. on me. He .................. and didn’t come to the competition. I’m .................. and always makes breakfast for everyone. My friend set up a meeting for me and I have .................. in the evening. I am happy because I have .................. 3 car. I bought it yesterday. I am .................. . I spent everything on clothes. Maths is my .................. I can’t understand it. He.................. Now it’s too late. It’s already happened I’m .................. I want to know all information about this topic. When I saw him last time, he was………………………………. Maybe he is on a diet. 4. Complete the phrases. HAVE THE LAST .......... A SLIP OF THE .......... LOOSE .......... LITTLE BY .......... A COLD .......... NOT HAVE A .......... THE..........EYE .......... ONE’S FINGERS CROSSED .......... UP ONE’S MIND .......... REMARK .......... YOUR OWN HEART .......... THE ICE 4. Match the phrases 1.FALL FOR A. OF ORDER 2.A RAY B. IN FORCE 3,BE OUT C. TO FOOT 4.A COUNSEL D. SOMEONE 5.BE E. OF HOPE 6.SELF-MADE F. MAN 7.TO TALK G. RUBBISH 8.FROM HEAD H. OF DESPAIR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5. You have the definition given – write the phrase. Jakiego idiomu to definicja? 1. to be very kind and generous - .................... 2. a complete change of direction, opinion, or way of acting - .................... 3. secret knowledge or a secret skill that will give you an advantag - .................... 4. to injure someone or something, or to hurt or embarrass someone - .................... 5. to be waiting eagerly to hear about something - .................... 6. to be very easy to do -.................... 7. something that causes arguments between people - .................... 8. something that provides a small amount of happiness in a difficult situation - .................... 9. to make people feel more friendly and willing to talk to each other- .................... 10. thinking or behaving as if you were young, even though you are old ....................… 11. Translate the sentence. Przetłumacz. 1. Moje koleżanki są identyczne .................................... 2. Moja siostra jest bardzo chuda .................................... 3. Mark wykręcił mi numer i nie przyszedł wczoraj na spotkanie .................................................... 4. To zadanie było dziecinnie proste .................................... 5. Właśnie zepsuł mi się telefon ..................................... Wyświetleń: 0
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