Katalog Anna Kozłowska, 2016-06-01 Stare Babice Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy Present Simple - kartkówka dla klasy 4SHORT TEST NAME AND SURNAME:_______________________________ CLASS:________ GR.2 POINTS: _____p. TASK 1: Wybierz prawidłową odpowedź 1. We ___dinner for the whole family. a) cooks b) cook 2. My children ___ their bicycles in the park after school. a) ride b) rides 3. I always ____ to the radio in the morning. a) listen to b) listen 4. Lucy is a teacher. She ___ Polish. a) teaches b) teachs 5. They never___ meat. They are vegetarians a) eats b) eat TASK 2: Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź 6. It’s not true. I ______ you. a) doesn’t believe b) don’t believe c) don’t believes 7. He________ spiders. a) don’t hate b) doesn’t hates c) doesn’t hate 8. We ________ at 7 p.m. a) don’t get up b) don’t gets up c) doesn’t get up 9. My sister ________ pizza. a) don’t like b) doesn’t like c) doesn’t likes 10. They ____ often _____ to the cinema. a) doesn’t go b) don’t goes c) don’t go TASK 3: Utwórz pytania do zdań 6-10 z ćw. 2 11. _____________________________________________________ (zdanie 6) Czy Ty mi wierzysz? 12.__________________________________________________________ (zdanie 7) 13.__________________________________________________________ (zdanie 8) 14. __________________________________________________________(zdanie 9) 15. __________________________________________________________(zdanie 10) TASK 4: Odpowiedz na pytania 16. Yes, ________ (11) 17. No, ________(12) 18. Yes, ________(13) 19. No, ________(14) 20. No, ________(15) Wyświetleń: 0
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