Katalog Joanna Koroblowska, 2016-05-31 Opole Język angielski, Konkursy KONKURS JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO DLA KLAS IVKONKURS JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO DLA KLAS IV Name: Class: Date: Total score: I. Połącz w pary wyrazy o przeciwnym znaczeniu. quiet hate noisy ugly tall small love good beautiful fast bad dirty slow short thin old fat clean young big 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. score_____ / 10 II. Odszukaj w wężu 12 wyrazów, a następnie napisz w kolejności. WINDOWNMOPWALLCGHKITCHENASBATTICVUKLKASKIKWADRIVEBCVFERRETHGFBUDGIENADYOUNGVEGNOISYPODAFRDIRTYBNSLOWDA 1. 7. 2. 8. 3. 9. 4. 10. 5. 11. 6. 12. score_____ / 12 III. Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź. 1. Sam ________ from England. a) am b) is c) are 2. _______ is your name? a) Who b) How c)What 3. 9+3=____________ a) twenty b) twelve c) ten 4. His name is ____________ a) Barbara Smith b) Peter Smith c) Jennifer Smith 5. Today is Monday 5th March, so Thursday is _____________ a) 6th March b) 7th March c) 8th March 6. How are you? I’m ____________ . a) school b) eleven c) fine 7. What’s your favourite vegetable? a) an apple b) a carrot c) maths 8. The table is _________ the sofa. a) in front of b) under c) in 9. Which bus goes to the city centre? a) At four o’clock. b) Number four. c) Four pounds. 10. Parrots ___________ swim in the sea. a) isn’t b) can’t c) haven’t score_____ / 10 IV. Uzupełnij dialogi podanymi wyrażeniami. What’s the matter Have you got a brother It’s in your bag What’s your favourite subject In the bathroom Nice to meet you What’s your postcode Have you got any hobbies? It’s in May Yes, nearly 1. A: When’s your birthday? B:__________________________________ . 2. A: Where’s my pen? B: __________________________________ . 3. A: __________________________________ ? B: Science. 4. A: Is it time for lunch? B:__________________________________ . 5. A: Hi I’m Tom. B: _________________________________ . 6. A: ________________________________ ? B: OX3 6NW. 7. A: _______________________________ ? B: My foot! I can’t walk! 8. A: _______________________________ ? B: Yes, I have. He’s eight. 9. A: ______________________________ ? B: Yes, I love swimming and dancing. 10. A: Where’s the washing machine? B: ______________________________ . score_____ / 10 V. Wpisz podane wyrazy w odpowiednie miejsca: kitchen daughter twins art aunt rugby bedroom netball science grandchildren wings English cricket ICT attic basement neck teeth hockey tail 1. SCHOOL SUBJECTS 2. ROOMS 3. SPORT 4. BODY 5. FAMILY score_____ / 20 Wyświetleń: 0
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