Katalog Joanna Ks, 2016-05-31 Międzyrzec Podlaski Język angielski, Konkursy Język angielski w logistyce test1. Decide if the sentences are true or false a. Logistics can be defined as the management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of consumption_______ b. Logistics involves integration of information, transporation, inventory, warehousing etc._____ c. Usually, logistics does not involve the management of the flow of energy and people.________ d. Logistics management is a part of supply chain management______ e. Logistics management plans, implements, and controls the efficient flow and storage of goods, services and related information.__________ 2. What does a logistics specialist deal with? (Match the Polish and English names of some parts of logistics knowledge) Basic knowledge of logistics Podstawowe obszary wiedzy 1. supply chains a. Zaopatrzenie i gospodarka materiałowa 2.shipping and freight forwarding b. Logistyka produkcji 3.waste managament c. Dystrybucja 4. warehousing d. Łańcuchy dostaw 5.procurement and materials management e. Magazynowanie 6.logistics of production f. Transport i spedycja 7.stock management g. Zarządzanie zapasami 8. distribution h. Zagospodarowanie odpadów 1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 3. Match the names of diffrent supply chains with their definitions 1. Just in time a. A family of business models in which the buyer of a product provides certain information to a supplier of that product and the supplier takes full responsibility for maintaining an agreed inventory of the material, usually at the buyer’s consumption location (usuallu a store) 2. Vendor Managed Inventory b. A method that allows manufacturers or retailers to communicate inventory needs for their shelves or assembly lines in near-real time via Web-based systems 3. Kanban c. The method of moving the material into a specific location at the required time, eg. Just before the mterial is needed in the factory 4. Supply chain d. An inventory control system for tracking the flow of in-process materials through the various operations of a just-in-time production process. It means “card” or “ticket” in Japanese. 5. Quick Response e. The network of retailers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities and suppliers that participate in the sale, delivery and production of a particular product 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 4. Translate the sentences. 1. Dziękujemy za Państwa list z 15 maja 2015r ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. W załączeniu znajdą Państwo nasz najnowszy katalog i cennik ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Oferujemy szeroki wachlarz usług logistycznych ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Niecierpliwie czekamy na Państwa odpowiedź ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Proszę podać numer katalogowy produktu przy składaniu zamówienia. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Complete tha table Noun Verb delivery cost pay transport charge supply discount pack order enclose 7. Translate expressions and words (transportation) a. transport ladowy b. transport ciężarowy c. żegluga handlowa d. flota e. przewóz drzwi-drzwi f. ładowność g. autobus dalekobieżny h. przewóz, transport – c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i. podkład kolejowy j. platforma kontenerowa k. wagon-platforma l. wagon samowyładowczy m. wagon cysterna n. ciągnik siodłowy z naczepą o. usługi dostawcze p. transport ładunku q. skrzynia ładunkowa r. śledzenie towaru s. sezonowy popyt t. przenośnik taśmowy 8. What are reefer ships used for? _________________________________________________ 9. What are ferries used for? _____________________________________________________ 10. What are barges? ____________________________________________________________ 11. Choose the correct word or phrase from the table to complete the text below reduce costs intermodal transport modes of transport trains vehicle trucks ships cargo transported container ____________________________involves the transportation of _____________ in a ____________ or ________________ using multiple _______________________ such us: ____________, ____________ and ______. Thanks to ______________ cargo may be __________faster. This type of transportation also amkes it possible to _______________ 12. Complete the sentences 1. We have four______________________________(magazyny dystrybucyjne) 2. Our warehouses are ____________(wyposażone) with modern ___________________________________________________________________ (automatyczne i półautomatyczne systemy kompletacji) as well as _______________________ (systemy magazynowania) 3. We store goods in __________________(kartony) 4. Our modern ________________________(systemy składowania) provides __________________________________ (optymalne wykorzystanie przestrzeni) 5. It is a __________________________(magazyn wąskokorytarzowy) and that is why we use special ___________________(wózki widłowe) 13. Give the meaning of the contractions 14. a. WMS ____________ _____________ ________________ b. FCL _____________ ___________ _____________ c. EAN ___________ ______________ ____________ d. GPS______________ __________________ _____________ e. RFID _______________ _______________ _____________ Wyświetleń: 0
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