
Magdalena Prejs-Zadrowska, 2016-05-18

Język angielski, Ćwiczenia

Ćwiczenia gramatyczne - zdania warunkowe.

- n +

Zdania warunkowe – typ 1,2,3
( Conditional sentences type 1,2,3)

1. If we ………….(listen) to the news, we ………….(know) the weather forecast. Shh!
2. If he ……………(try) harder, he………….. (reach) all his goals. But he was passive and lazy then.
3. I………… (buy) these flip-flops if they…………. (fit). But they are too small.
4. It…………. (not/surprise ) me if he …………..(know ) all the answers. He is really clever.
5. If you ……………(go) out with your colleagues tonight, I…………… (watch) my favourite sitcom.
6. I…………. (earn) a lot of money if I ………….(get) a job. But I can’t find a proper one.
7. If she………….. (not/ hurry), we ……………..(miss) the ferry. Quickly!
8. If you ………………(not/switch) on the lights, you ………….(trip) over the boxes. Be careful.
9. She …………(come) to our house- warming party if she ……………(be / not) on holiday.She was in Italy at that time.
10. If my cousins……………… (have) time at the weekend, they……………… (come) round. I can’t wait!
11. If we ……………..(sneak) out quietly, the neighbour …………….(not/notice) us in his basement.
12. If we …………………..(know) about your problem, we…………………. (help) you. But unfortunately we didn’t know.
13. If I ………………….(be) you, I………………….. (not/ buy) that woolen scarf – it’s awful.
14. We…………………. (arrive) earlier if we …………….. (not/ miss) the latest bus.
15. If I……………... (not/ have) a mobile phone, my finace ………………….(not/ control) me all the time.
16. I ……………..(get) the popcorn if you ……………………….(fetch) the drinks.
17. If I……………….. (tell) her a secret, she …………..(reveal) it to her husband.
18. She ……………….(go) out with you if you…………… (ask) her. But you didn’t do it.
19. I……………… (be) happy if you ………….(call) me on my birthday. But you forgot about it.
20. If it ………………(be) a daytime, I ……….(take) you for a walk. Now, it’s getting dark.
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