
Agnieszka Depa, 2015-08-03

Język angielski, Ćwiczenia

Słownictwo maturalne: człowiek/dom.

- n +

I Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
1 She’s Got long hair and she wears it in a __________.
a) fringe b) wavy c) moustache d) ponytail
2 Which of those people nobody would like to be friends with?
a) considerate b) sympathetic c) selfish d) sociable
Which of them is the opposite of strict?
a) forgetful b) cheeky c) lenient d) stubborn
4 Which of them means ‘extremely tired’?
a) exhausted b) miserable c) annoyed d) amazed
5 Wchih of them is NOT a hairstyle?
a) dreadlocks b) wig c) mullet d) perm
6 they’ve got a _________ and they keep arguing with their neighbours.
a) mansion b) cottage c) detached house d) semi-detached house
7 Which of them is a synonym of ‘uninhabited’?
a) abandoned b) gloomy c) shabby d) tasteless
8 the centre is too noisy for me. I prefer to live in the _________.
a) capital b) coast c) suburbs d) outskirts
Wyświetleń: 243

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