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Katalog Żaklina Dutkiewicz, 2015-06-23 Kalisz Język angielski, Konkursy TEST z treści książki „Beauty and the Beast”, konkurs czytelniczy.Konkurs czytelniczy- klasa I gimnazjum TEST „Beauty and the Beast” NAME:........... Class....... Date ...... Score ...... Drogi Uczniu Twoje zadanie polega na zaznaczeniu jednej właściwej odpowiedzi do każdego z poniższych pytań. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1punkt. Powodzenia! 1. How many daughter did Beauty’s father have? a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 2. How many wives did Beauty’s father have? a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 3. Who was the oldest ? a. Ursula b. Gertruda c. Gizella 4. Which of the names did not belong to any of the sisters? a. Ursula b. Gertruda c. Gizella 5. Where did the Beauty’s family live? a. In a small town b. In a village c. In the forest 6. How did Beauty’s father get the money to buy a new cart? a. The Beast gave him b. He sold the fruit from his farm. c. He sold his farm 7. In which season of the year did he set off to do buy a new cart? a. winter b. Spring c. autumn 8. Which sentences is not true? a. Eventually Beaty did not choose any present for herself. b. None of the sister wanted jewellery. c. Beauty didn’t want anything to wear. 9. Where did Beauty’s father spend the night when he got lost? a. In a forest b. In a room c. In the village 10. Who did he meet at his first night at the castle a. The beast b. nobody c. His daughter 11Where did he meet the Beast for the first time a. Inside the castle b. In the forest c. In the garden 12.What did he want to pick up for his Beauty? a. Daffodils b. Apples c. a rose 13. Why didn’t Beauty’s father bring all the presents that the girls had wanted? a. He was robbed. b. He lost it in the forest. c. They were too expensive to buy. 14. The rose was… a. Red with a golden light inside b. Pink with a golden light inside c. Red with a silver light inside 15. Beauty thought the castle was ….when she saw it for the first time. a. wonderful b. ugly c. horrible 16. Beauty decided to stay in the castle because… a. She wanted to be rich. b. She didn’t want her father to die. c. She wanted to get married. 17. Before the father left the castle he could pack: a. three boxes of cloth and jewels b. three boxes of cloth and gold c. Two boxes of gold and cloth 18. Who did Beauty dream about during her first nights at the castle? a. A Young man with blue eyes b. Her family c. The beast 19. Beauty …. a. was honest with the beast b. was dishonest with the beast c. hated the beast. 20. Beauty danced… at the castle. a. With the beast b. With toys and stuffed animals c. With the prince in her dreams. 21. Which sentence is true: a. Beauty didn’t sympathize with the Beast. b. Beauty didn’t think about his father. c. Beauty didn’t understand the prince’s mystery. 22. How did she find out that her father was ill? a. She got a letter from her family. b. The beast told her. c. She saw her father in the mirror. 23. How did she get to her farm? a. She went back home on foot. b. She took a carriage. c. She woke up in her bed at home. 24. What did she promise to the Beast before she went to visit her ill father? a. She would return to the castle within a month. b. She would return to the castle within a year. c. She would marry him. 25. What did the beast tell her about her ill father? a. Her ill father would get better. b. Her ill father would never recover. c. Her ill father hated her. 26. How many times did Beauty have to turn the ring round her finger to get back to the castle? a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 27.Who told Beauty that he would die if she didn’t come back home? a. The beast b. Father c. The prince 28. How did she get to know that the beast was in a very poor condition? a. She saw it in her dreams. b. She was told about it by his family. c. She got a letter. 29. Where did she find the dying beast? a. In the garden b. In the forest c. In the garden room 30. Did Beauty’s father approve her decision about coming back to the castle a. yes b. no 31. What was the castle like when Beauty come back? a. It was dark. b. It was light. c. It didn’t change at all. 32. What did she do when she found the dying beast? a. She ran away. b. She started crying. c. She went back home. 33. What didn’t Beauty say to the Beast? a. She would love him forever. b. She would never leave him. c. She woudn’t marry him. 34. What happened to the butterflies in the end? a. They came back to life as butterflies. b. They became people. c. They flew away. 35. Who sent for the Beauty’s family to come to the castle? a. Beauty b. The prince c. The Beast Wyświetleń: 121
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