
Paulina Betler, 2015-06-18

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Sprawdzian dla uczniów klasy 6 szkoły podstawowej.

- n +

Choose the correct answer:
1. You ……………………… push people into th swimming pool. It isn’t safe.
a) must b) don’t have to c) mustn’t
2. You ………………………. pay $10 to use this tenis court. It’s private.
a) have to b) mustn’t c) shouldn’t
3. You …………………….. eat late at night to stay healthy.
a) must b) should c) shouldn’t
4. You ………………………. take a tablet if you have a stomachache.
a) mustn’t b) should c) would
5. If I ………………………… a princess, I would buy a castle.
a) was b) were c) am
6. If Magda ……………….. a dog, she would go for a walk more often.
a) had b) has c) have
7. I ……………………. call the police if I saw an accident.
a) could b) would c) should
8. If I …………………… some money, I would spend it.
a) buy b) won c) win
9. What’s the matter …………………... you?
a) which b) from c) with
10. Spiders frighten me. I’m …………………. them.
a) scared of b) mad about c) bored with
11. I am fond ……………… classical music.
a) on b) of c) at
12. She’s interested ………………… History.
a) on b) in c) of

Wyświetleń: 404

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