
Paulina Betler, 2015-06-24

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Quiz z języka angielskiego.

- n +

1. I’m going to ……………….. new socks.
a) buying b) buys c) buy
2. Let’s …………………. shopping.
a) go b) go to the c) go to a
3. Why don’t we ………………. to the cinema?
a) go b) going c) to go
4. What about ……………………?
a) going swimming b) go swimming c) going to swim
5. Tom and Ben ……………….. going to have a pizza.
a) are b) is c) not
6. What are you doing …………….. Thursday?
a) on b) in c) at
7. She …………………… in a concert.
a) singing b) is sing c) isn’t singing
8. I …………………….. football tomorrow.
a) playing b) not playing c) am playing
9. What …………………. we do?
a) do b) are c) shall
10. I’m hopeless …………….. swimming.
a) in b) at c) on
11. Go …………. !
a) on b) in c) for
12. I ……………… my bed every morning.
a) do b) make c) wash
13. Ania and Kasia always ……………. the table and ……………… the rubbish bins.
a) tidy/make b) empty/do c) lay/empty
14. John ……………… his homework after school.
a) does b) makes c) do

Wyświetleń: 215

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