
Katarzyna Podgórska, 2015-06-22

Język angielski, Ćwiczenia

Słowotwórstwo - ćwiczenia.

- n +

1. Make the nouns in brackets into adjectives to fill the gaps. Use these endings: -y, -ly, -al, -able, -ful, -ing, -ical, -ish. Change the spelling of the nouns if necessary.
Example: He talks to everyone; he is really friendly. (FRIEND)

1) She’s the most ............person in the organisation. (POWER)
2) I like your new clothes, they’re very ............. (FASHION)
3) The ............ weather is sometimes unpredictable. (BRITAIN)
4) Floods and earthquakes are ............ disasters. (NATURE)
5) It’s a ............ dream of mine to learn to fly. (PERSON)
6) It is now thought that there are both ............. and psychological causes of the illness. (BIOLOGY)
7) You can sit in this chair, it’s very ............ (COMFORT)
8) It was a long and ............ play. (BORE)
9) Australia has its own ............. identity, which is very different from that of Britain. (CULTURE)
10) The toxic gases from that factory are very ............ to plants. (HARM)
11) The success of his book has made him a very ............ man. (WEALTH)
12) He visited an island which was ............. beautiful. (EXCEPTION)

2. Make the verbs in brackets into nouns to fill the gaps. Use these endings: -ment, -ion, -tion, -sion, -age, -iour, -ence
Example: As a child he received most of his education at home. (EDUCATE)

1) Book early to avoid ............. (DISAPPOINT)
2) You need to use your ........... to write a poem. (IMAGINE)
3) Good ........... is nedeed between teachers and parents. (COMMUNICATE)
4) Their ............ has lasted for fifty years. (MARRY)
5) There are ............ provided on the back of the box. (INSTRUCT)
6) The teacher warned him about his ............. (BEHAVE)
7) They will make their ............ tomorrow. (DECIDE)
8) There was a small ............. in the economy this year. (IMPROVE)
9) Nobody really believed his .............. (EXPLAIN)
10) Do you believe in the ............ of ghosts? (EXIST)
11) They have already started their ............. for Christmas. (PREPARE)
12) Julia has received an ............. to work in Australia. (INVITE)
Wyświetleń: 163

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