Katalog Anna Werengowska, 2015-03-10 Poznań Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy Present Continuous - sprawdzian dla uczniów z orzeczeniem o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego.1. Podkreśl zdania zapisane w Present Continuous. a) Rob visits his parents. b) I go to football matches on Fridays. c) She’s sweeping the floor. d) Rob plays in a school basketball team. e) Mrs Smith is vacuuming now! f) Why is Jenny in Australia? g) I can hear the vacuum cleaner. h) Is there a zoo in London? i) Is she sweeping the floor? j) We’re cleaning the house today. 2. Dopisz charakterystyczną końcówkę do czasowników w czasie Present Continuous. a) At the moment they are walk………. home. b) The fishing boats are leav………… now. c) Now a terrible storm is com……… d) Today I’m clean…… my room. e) Look! The boy is div………. in the sea. f) She’s sleep……. at the moment. g) I’m do…….. my Maths homework now. h) Listen! The telephone is ring……. 3. Dopisz czasownik “to be” w odpowiedniej formie wpisując: am, is lub are. a) He ………. sleeping now. b) We ………..going to the cinema now. c) Now a terrible storm …………. coming. d) I …………… doing my homework at the moment. e) They …………… listening to the radio now. f) Jane ……… making a chocolate cake now. g) I …………. sweeping the floor now. h) Mark and Rob ……….. going to the shop now. Opracowanie: A. Werengowska Wyświetleń: 353
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