Katalog Magdalena Adamek, 2015-02-02 Wodzisław Śląski Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy London quiz.London quiz Name ............................. Class.......... 1. What do you associate (1-12) with (a-l)? 1. The Tower of London a) Nelson’s Column 2. Oxford Street b) business centre 3. The London Underground c) wax models 4. The London Eye d) cinemas 5. Big Ben e) the Queen 6. Trafalgar Square f) glass capsules 7. Piccadilly Circus g) the Tube 8. Buckingham Palace h) ravens 9. Madame Tussauds i) William Shakespeare 10. Leicester Square j) the bell in the clock tower 11. Globe Theatre k) bright advertisements 12. Canary Wharf l) shopping 2. Complete the sentences: 1.Another name for The Houses of Parliament is................. 2.St Paul’s Cathedral was designed by................... 3.Taxis in London are ...............and to be a taxi driver in London you have to pass the test called ....................... 4.Since William the Conqueror every English king and queen has been crowned in ................ 5.The famous London red telephone box was designed by...................... 6.London Eye is................metres high. 7.London Underground opened in ....................... Wyświetleń: 567
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