
Anna Wozniak, 2015-02-02
Rawa Mazowiecka

Język angielski, Artykuły

Analysis of the novel „ Tess of the d´Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy in the context of modernism features of literature.

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The central theme of the novel is the issue of the nature of good and evil, the idea of sin, social and religious conditions of human activities, individual liberty and responsibility for their actions. The main topic of the work is closely related to the sexual ethics, in particular the Victorian model of human behavior in this respect, however, the problem posed by the author goes beyond the issue of moral evaluation of heroine, Tess of the d'Urbervilles may also be considered as a novel about the alienation of the individual in a changing and increasingly atomised society. The collapse of the traditional rural communities of the novel shows an example of „ Marlotte“, hometown of the main character. In the initial part of the book the villagers form a compact community. For Tessa back to the village after the tragic experience in madame d'Urbervilles mannor house is a natural choice, what is more, even as a person of low moral assessment of community Tessa is not excluded from it. Technological prgress and changes in work system reached to the village. In subsequent years, the place fixed group of residents occupy the classes of employees, each year they are earning money for live in different household. The total alienation occurs in the cities, the fate befalls to the Tessa´s mother, who had moved out of the village settles in town Shaston, as well as the same Tessa in a guesthouse in Sandbourne. In this interpretation of the murder, which the main character allows, can be recognized as the doomed protest against the breakdown of traditional forms of life, and the arrest of her in the centuries-old Stonehenge becomes a symbol of the end of the old man's functioning in harmony with the environment and nature.

Interpretation of purity concept
The main character, whose actions are unacceptable in light of the sexual ethics of his time, is in fact a person of impeccable morality. According to Hardy, Tessy purity is determined with compliance of her activities with the law of nature. Characterizing heroine, narrator repeatedly shows it on the background of the nature of Wessex, thus emphasizing the naturalness, synonymous with the purity of the character. How many times Tessa acts in accordance with her instincts, yet retains the purity. Such action is example search for a partner or child birth. Such an approach to the problem of women purity leads to an unusual approach of male characters - Alec d'Urbervilles and Angela Clare. Apparently only the first is a cynical seducer, while the second - a noble and selfless intellectual. The narrator points out that in order to gain Tessy, Alec, although undoubtedly guided by selfish motives, was in harmony with nature. While Angel seems to be unrealistic man. He is not capable for true love, he has only an idealized image of Tessa, and when he got to know the story of her life, reacted agaist to the declared humanistic ideals. Compared with Alec d'Urbervilles it is not entirely negative character, but only the epitome of natural human instincts and desires with all his weaknesses. He is responsible for the use of isolation and vulnerability of the heroine, but also he is able to look critically at his own live, he is taking care for Tessa, when her family lost the house , he is able to ensure her maintenance.
Criticism of Victorian morality
Hardy novel in a critical way refers to the Victorian model of demenaour and personal ideals, as well as conservative and narrowly conceived of Christianity, which is its source. Anglican clergy characters representing different currents of religion - father and two Angela Clare´s brothers, the novel is critical to father ethics, based on the texts of St. Paul, as well as the views of his two older sons, one of whom is a supporter of the church hierarchy, while the second deals with the scientific theology.

Criticism of Victorian morality is also included in Angela character. The hero of this appears to be selfless and noble altruistic and idealistic, ready to preserve the lives of their ideals, even at the cost of the resignation of the possible financial benefits and social status od the pastor. The truth about Angel reveals itself when he got know about his wife's past, it turns out that, in fact, a man fully praised his childhood instilled in his traditional ethics. Angel not only can fairly and without bias consider the future of his relationship with Tessa, but also reflection on the role of women and the disparity in the requirements for the women and men by society is absolutely strange to him. Rooted in the consciousness of Angela Clare views hinder him anyway relationships with other people, leading to deep frustration. Emphasizing the role of education in shaping such and no other understanding of the world of the hero, the novel leaves no doubt that it can not be automatically discharged from liability for the harm he made to Tessa. Moreover, Angel is not able to reevaluate their beliefs even in the face of another dramatic experience. When he decide to return to England, not even wonder if he really make his wife happy, showing up in front of her after a long absence, even if she clear up her life without him. Also in the final scene, when accompanied by a new bride, younger sister of Tessa, it is apparent that the Angel´s ratio for women has not changed. Experience with previous relationship has not learned him anything, Lize as before Tessa, he seen as the embodiment of his personal, indeed unattainable ideal of womanhood. Rejecting the Victorian ethic, a novel is a call for empathy and compassion for the other person, understanding the motives of others, openness to their needs, to respect of dignity of every human being. Careful observation of the Tessa behavior in any situation, analysis of the spiritual state are expected to lead the reader to take a deep consideration on her fate.
The role of the destination and the case
Tess of the d'Urbervilles, although in the first row presents the story of one character in a particular era, bears distinct features simultaneously moving a universal legend about human destiny.

The initial scene in which John Durbeyfield finds out about its delicious distant ancestors tends to reflect on the fate of individuals and entire groups, as well as introduces the topic of hereditary Tessa´s family. Fate of the heroine's life is emphasized by allusions to the history of her family. Rape made on it by Alec d'Urbervilles is compared with similar grievances, which knights d'Urbervilles perpetrated once accidentally on peasant woman. A significant role is also played by accidental situations, random, the consequences of which turn out to be then important, eg. The accident in which Durbeyfield´s horse died, or the point at which the Angel before marriage did not find Tessy letter containing the truth about her past. Such a composition of the text corresponds to the view of the author that in human life, which is only a very small portion of the entire universe, i tis hardly to find any logic. As a result, the heroine of the novel is a passive person: Tessa agrees with actions of other people or with fate, rebelling only in a situation that is beyond her strength, in a desperate and inevitably leads to disaster.

In the construction of the world presented in the novel maintains traditional forms of English prose, including third-person narrative and chronological order of events, as well as a constant focus of attention on the main character. The work retains the realism of the story, however, a number of details reported are also taking a symbolic meaning. This is reflected in the consistent implementation of environment of Tessa is read colour, clearly referring to the blood, misery and death. The whole composition of the work takes on the characteristics of symbolic due to the form of Alec and Angel and their impact on the fate of the heroine.
Wyświetleń: 393

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