
Anna Zając, 2014-12-31

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

The easiest possible little test on past modals.

- n +

1. I haven’t seen our neighbours for ages. They ................(go) away.
2. ‘Where has Julia gone?’ ‘I’m not sure. She ............(go) to the bank.
3. ‘I saw you at John’s party last week.’ ‘You .............(see) me. I didn’t go to John’s party.’
4. There was a loud explosion a few minutes ago. You ................... (hear) it.
5. You went the wrong way. You ....................... (turn) left.
6. I ate too much and now I feel sick. I ............. (eat) so much.
7. George was in a strange mood yesterday. He ........... (feel) very well. I don’t know.
8. I’m surprised nobody told you that the road was very dangerous. You ................(warn).
9. Why didn’t you ask me to help you? I ...................(help) you.
10. He was in prison at the time that the crime was committed, so he ..............(do) it.
11. Why did you go home so early? You ............(leave) then. It was absolutely unnecessary.
12. Ann was standing outside the cinema. She ................ (wait) for somebody.
13. Why weren’t you here earlier? You ................. (be) here earlier.
14. I wonder why Tom didn’t phone me. He always does. He ............... (forget).
15. That man on the motorbike wasn’t wearing a helmet and that was dangerous. He ............... (wear) one.
Wyświetleń: 419

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