
Agnieszka Wasilewska, 2014-05-30

Język angielski, Karty pracy

Gramatyczne ćwiczenia utrwalające

- n +

I. Przestopniuj przymiotniki.
1. nice-_________________________________ 4. good-________________________________
2. heavy- _______________________________ 5. bad-__________________________________
3. interesting-___________________________________________________
II. Czas Past simple czasownika być- to be. ( was/ were)
1.___________ you at school yesterday? No, I ___________. I _____________ at home.
2.My sisters ______________ in the mountains last year but I ______________ with them.
3.___________ your brother in Germany last week? No, he ___________________ .
4._________________ Sam and Lydia in London two months ago? Yes, they ____________
III. Zakreśl prawidłową formę.
1.You should/ shouldn't eat a lot of sweets.
2.You should / shouldn't drink a lot of mineral water.
3.You should / shouldn't help your friends in trouble.
4.You should / shouldn't bring pets to school.
IV. Wstaw czas Past simple i Past continuous.
1. I _______________________ (have) a shower when you _____________________ (phone).
2. She ___________________ (cut) her finger while she ______________________ (make) lunch.
3. He ______________________ ( drive) a car when he __________________ (see) an accident.
4. They ________________________ (eat) a pizza when someone _______________ (say) hello !.
5. The teacher __________________ (come) in the classroom while the students _______________
(do ) a project.
V. Wpisz How much lub How many.
1._______________________ students are there?
2.______________________ milk have you got?
3._______________________ oranges are there on the table?
4._______________________ books are there in the bookcase?
5._______________________ water is there in the bottle?
VI. Uzupełnij litery w nazwach sportów.
1.B _ _ k_ _ b_ _ _
2.S_ _ d _ v _ ng
3.Cli _ _ _ ng
4.C_c_ _ ng
5.J_ _ o
6.G_ _ f
7.K _ y _ k _ _ g
Wyświetleń: 827

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