Katalog Agnieszka Wasilewska, 2014-05-29 Rokitno Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy Kartkówka ze słówek i czasu Present simpleNAME:_______________________________________ I. Przetłumacz zdania. _____/ 5 p. 1. Sometimes she's angry when I'm late. ___________________________________________________________ 2. His marks aren't very good because he's a bit lazy. ____________________________________________________________ 3. She's a great friend and I like her a lot. ____________________________________________________________ 4. He's helpful and he looks after my pet at the weekends. ____________________________________________________________ 5. She is untidy and she can't find anything. ___________________________________________________________ II. Przetłumacz słówka. _______/ 10 p. 1. honest-_______________ 6. nieśmiały- ___________ 2. organised-________________ 7. zabawny-__________________ 3. moody-_____________________ 8. uczynny-__________________ 4. lazy-______________________ 9. sympatyczny-______________ 5. hard- working-________________ 10. nieporządny-_________ III.Uzupełnij zdania. Dopisz pytania i przeczenia w czasie Present simple ______/ 24 p. 1. Lia _____________(like) basketball. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2. They __________(live) in London. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3. He _____________(drink) milk every day. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. We ____________(play) soccer on Fridays. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5 . His friend___________(live) in the USA. _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 6. Cats __________ (love) milk. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 7. Their cousins __________(play) golf. _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 8. That woman ____________(sing) great. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ IV. Ułóż wyrazy w prawidłowej kolejności. ______ / 7 p. 1. I / bad/ never / dreams / have _________________________________________ 2. Mary / eats / never / fish ____________________________________ 3. we / late / are / never _______________________________ 4. don't / you / sit / here / usually __________________________________ 5. am / for / class/ late / I / never ______________________________________ 6. their / music / usually / is / good ______________________________________________ 7. play / they / often / tennis/ school/ after ________________________________________________________ Wyświetleń: 1093
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