
Justyna Połeć, 2014-04-25

Język angielski, Scenariusze

Scenariusz lekcji języka angielskiego – autor – Justyna Połeć

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Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 33 w Radomiu imienia Kawalerów Orderu Uśmiechu

Scenariusz lekcji języka angielskiego – autor – Justyna Połeć

Date: 24.04.2012 r

Level: elementary

Class: VA

Nr of students:12

Coursebook: Project 2, Unit 5

Subject of the lesson: Record breakers.

Aims of the lesson:

 to revise adjectives and introduce new ones,
 to present and practise superlatives,
 to practise listening, speaking and writing skills.

Anticipated problems and solutions:

• Ss can make some mistakes when they form comparatives and superlatives
• Playing game may take too much time, so T is going to set a time limit and informs Ss about the time passing

Types of student’s work:

• individual,
• in pairs,
• in groups.


• BB, CD, CD recorder, small pieces of paper with adjectives, handout with exercises for each Ss, students' books.

Stage Procedure Aim

Starting the lesson
T - S
3 minutes
T greets Ss and checks attendance. Then writes the subject on the blackboard and informs Ss what the lesson will be about.

- to introduce the subject of the lesson

Warm up
group work
8 minutes
„ Mime it” - game. Ss are divided into two teams. Each S choses the slice of paper with adjective and mime or eventually draw the meaning of it. Ss with other team try to guess the adjective. If they do it correctly they score one point. Ss write the adjectives on the blackboard. After game Ss repeat the adjectives after T trying to remember it.

- to activate Ss,
- to recall the vocabulary from the previous lessons,
- to let Ss connect movement with vocabulary

S - T
T – S
10 minutes

Ss open their books at page 60. T gives Ss enough time to look through the quiz. Then play audio recording 2.28 so that they can read, listen and answer the questions on their own. Ss work in pairs and compare their answers. T plays audio recording ones again for Ss to listen and check their answers. After that, T asks questions from the quiz and Ss one by one answer them.

 to check understanding,
 to work on listening for specific information,
 to practise speaking skills

Comprehension exercise
S - T
S - S
10 minutes
Ss find the superlatives in the quiz and dictate them to T. Then T presents affirmative sentences with superlative forms from the quiz and poins out that it is used definite article the with superlatives. T tries to elicit from Ss answers to the following questions:
„When do we use superlative?”,
„How do we form superlative?”.
T writes five adjectives on the blackboard: cold, large, hot, heavy, crowded. Ss form superlatives and discover the rules on their own.

- to present the superlative of adjectives,
 to give Ss opportunity to discover the rules on their own

Practice 1
T – S
4 minutes

Ss one by one repeat one of the adjectives written on the board and form comparative and superlative of them.
- to let Ss make use of their knowledge,
- to practise speaking skills

Practice 2
group work
10 minutes

T divides the class into two teams. Ss do exercise 2 from their books, page 61 on their own, then check it in teams. Each member of the team show meaning one of the adjectives from exercise 2. Ss from other team guess it. If they do it correctly one of Ss writes the adjective on the board on the correct place and form superlative and comparative of it. When S does it correctly the team gets 3 poins.The winner is the team with larger number points.

- to check undertanding of the rules,
 to practise written form of adjectives,
 to work on communication and cooperation,
 to make Ss interested and involved


Ss get sheets of paper with three exercises. They have to do the crossword, match chosen months and seasons with superlatives and write sentences based on the exercises.

 to revise some structures and vocabulary,
 to practise forming superlatives
Wyświetleń: 721

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