Katalog Agnieszka Oniśk, 2014-02-03 Siedlce Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy klasówka Longman Repetytorium Gimnazjalne (dom/człowiek)Grupa A Klasa 3 gimnazjum /60p 1. Wstaw czas Present Continuous lub Present Simple. (5p) 1. I ..................................... (not/belong) to a political party. 2. You ........................................ (seem) to be very happy today. 3. Mum .................................................. (taste) the soup. 4. Kasia ............................................... (see) the doctor on Monday at 5. 5. These flowers ............................................ (smell) levely. 2. Napisz zdania w czasie Present Continuous lub Present Simple. (5p) 1. I / always/ walk/ to school. 2. He/ read/ that book/ at the moment. 3. She / have a shower/ every morning. 4. How often/ you/ go to church? 5. Elephants/ not run/ very fast. 3. Połącz wyrazy, aby powstały wyrażenia, a następnie przetłumacz je. (10p) 1. pay the washing 2. put the shirt 3. iron the rent 4. switch on the rubbish out 5. do the lights 4. Wykreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje. (5p) 1. eyelashes earring necklace 2. surprised optimistic tanned 3. tooth lips finger 4. foot arm leg 5. round dark square 5. Wstaw brakujące słowa. (5p) 1. What`s your n____________? I`m Polish. 2. It`s very rude to stick out your t__________ . 3. She is very old so she has a lot of w_____________ on her face. 4. Wash your h_________ before you eat. 5. I like weraing j______________ - rings, earrings, necklaces. 6. Przetłumacz wyrazy. (16p) tracksuit twarz underwear wełna striped skarpetki good-looking szczupły teenager czapka cottage okulary scar fabryka fringe salon 7. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z prawdą. (4p) 1. What`s your name? 2. What`s your surname? 3. What`s your marital status? 4. When were you born? 8. Opisz w pięciu zdaniach swój wygląd. (5p) 9. Zakreśl właściwy wyraz. (5p) 1. A sink / washbasin is usually in the kitchen. 2. A cottage / skyscraper is a very high building. 3. A basement / an attic is at the top of the house. 4. It`s usually quieter in the suburbs / city center. 5. A cushion / pillow is used for decoration. Wyświetleń: 9549
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