Katalog Anna Ossolińska, 2013-06-03 Połaniec Język angielski, Scenariusze Scenariusz do przedstawienia pt. "Czarnoksiężnik z krainy Oz" w j.angielskimSCENARY CHAPTER 2 NARRATOR 1 There was a huge bang and Dorothy woke up. NARRATOR 2 She sat up and noticed that the house wasn't moving anymore. NARRATOR 1 There was bright sunshine coming through the window. DOROTY "We can't be in Kansas," NARRATOR 2 She walked to the door, opened it and looked outside. DOROTY "Oh, how beautiful!". NARRATOR 1 There was green grass and flowers everywhere. NARRATOR 2 There were trees with many different kinds of fruit and birds with colourful feathers. NARRATOR 1 Then she saw, one old woman. NARRATOR 2 She was dressed in white. OLD WOMAN 'Thank you very much," DOROTY "Why?" "What did I do?" OLD WOMAN "You killed the Wicked Witch of the East,". "You must be a powerful witch." DOROTY "Oh, no!". "I am not a witch. I am a littie girl from Kansas." OLD WOMAN "But look! You really killed her. There are her silver shoes." DOROTY "Oh dear,". "The house fell on her. That is terrible!" OLD WOMAN "Don't worry my dear," "She was a wicked witch. . DOROTY "Who are you?" OLD WOMAN "I am the Witch of the North," DOROTY "A real witch,". "Maybe you can hełp me. I want to go home to Kansas." OLD WOMAN "Kansas?". "I don't know any place called Kansas." DOROTY "Oh dear,". "What am I going to do?" OLD WOMAN "Don't cry my dear,""I've got an idea. You must go to the Emerald City. The Wizard of Oz is there. I am sure he can hełp you." DOROTY "But, how will I get there?" OLD WOMAN "Along the yellow brick road. Here, put these magic shoes on," NARRATOR 1. She took the silver shoes off the Wicked Witch's feet and gave them to Dorothy. OLD WOMAN "That is the way to the Emerald City. "But before you go, I must kiss you,". "There, that will protect you on your journey." OLD WOMAN "Goodbye. Good luck!". CHAPTER 3 NARRATOR 2 Dorothy and Toto began their journey along the yellow brick road. NARRATOR 1After a while they came to a field. NARRATOR 2There was a Scarecrow in the field. NARRATOR 1 Suddenly, the Scarecrow winked at Dorothy and she stopped. NARRATOR 2 She was surprised. NARRATOR 1The Scarecrow winked again, then he spoke. SCARECROW "Please," "take me down." NARRATOR 2 The Scarecrow was on a pole. NARRATOR 1 One end of the pole was stuck in the ground. NARRATOR 2 The other end was stuck in the Scarecrow's back. NARRATOR 1 The Scarecrow's feet could not reach the ground. DOROTY "But, you are too heavy," SCARECROW "No, I'm not,". "I look heavy, but I’m not heavy at all." NARRATOR 2 Dorothy lifted the Scarecrow. DOROTY "Oh, yes. You are not heavy,". NARRATOR 1 The Scarecrow looked strange. DOROTY "I have never met a Scarecrow who could talk," SCARECROW "I am an unusuał Scarecrow,". "I would like to have a brain,". "Who are you? Where are you going?" DOROTY "I'm Dorothy and this is Toto," "We are going to the Emerald City to see the Great Wizard of Oz. I want to go back to Kansas, and I hope he can hełp me." SCARECROW "A Great Wizard!". "Maybe he can give me a brain." DOROTY "Maybe he can,". "Come with us. You can ask him." NARRATOR 2 So the Scarecrow joined Dorothy and Toto. NARRATOR 1 They walked and walked until it was dark. NARRATOR 2 Finally, they stopped at an old cottage in the middłe of a forest. NARRATOR 1 There was no one home. NARRATOR 2 Dorothy and Toto were tired and fell asleep immediateły. NARRATOR 1 The Scarecrow wasn't tired. NARRATOR 2 He stood in the corner all night awake. NARRATOR 1 He watched Dorothy and Toto sleep. NARRATOR 2 The next morning Dorothy felt better. NARRATOR 1 She got out of bed and went outside with Toto. NARRATOR 2 The Scarecrow followed them. NARRATOR 1 Suddenly, they heard a noise. NARRATOR 2 It sounded like somebody was calling out for help. DOROTY "What’s that?", | SCARECROW "I don't know,". "But it's coming from the forest." NARRATOR 1They all walked into the forest. NARRATOR 2 They saw a man made of tin. NARRATOR 1He was standing next to a tree. NARRATOR 2 His arm was up in the air and he was holding an axe in his hand. MAN "H-E-L-P!" NARRATOR 1They all looked at him. NARRATOR 2 They were surprised. MAN "H-E-L-P,". "Please put some oil on my joints,". "There's an oil can in my cottage." NARRATOR 1Dorothy ran back to the cottage and returned with the oil can. ; NARRATOR 2 She oiled the Tin Man's joints. MAN "Thank you," DOROTY You're welcome,". "I am Dorothy and this is Toto, my dog. This is Scarecrow. He is my friend, too. We are going to the Emerald City." SCARECROW "To see the Wizard of Oz,". "He will give me a brain." DOROTY "And he will send me back to Kansas. MAN "Maybe he can give me a heart," DOROTY "Why not!". "Come with us. You can ask him." NARRATOR 1 So, they all walked along the yellow brick road towards theEmerald City. CHAPTER 4 NARRATOR 2 Dorothy and the Scarecrow wanted to know more about the Tin Man. SCARECROW "What were you doing in the forest?". MAN I wanted to cut some logs for my fire, but it started to rain and my joints rusted,". "I couldn't move. My oil can was in my cottage, so I couldn't oil my joints. I was stuck there until you came along." NARRATOR 1 Suddenly, they heard a loud roar. NARRATOR 2 Then, a very big Lion ran out of the trees. NARRATOR 1Toto was scared but he didn't run away. NARRATOR 2He ran towards the Lion. NARRATOR 1The Lion opened his very big mouth and roared again at Toto. DOROTY "Stop it!". NARRATOR 2She ran to the Lion and hit him. hard on the nose. NARRATOR 1The Lion stopped and rubbed his nose. LION "Please don't hit me,". DOROTY "You are a great big coward. "Toto is only a little dog and you scared him. LION I know and I'm very sorry,". DOROTY "That’s better,". LION "Where are you all going?". MAN "We are going to the Emerald City. The Wizard of Oz will give me a heart," SCARECROW "He will give me a brain,". DOROTY "He will send me to Kansas,". LION "Maybe he can give me courage,". DOROTY "Come with us,". "You can ask nim," NARRATOR 2 So, they walked along the yellow brick road. NARRATOR 1 They were very happy. NARRATOR 2 The Lion was good company. NARRATOR 1He scared the other wild animals. NARRATOR 2 They didn't know he was a coward. NARRATOR 1 At night they were very tired. NARRATOR 2 They all slept under a tree except for the Scarecrow, who didn't need to sleep. Wyświetleń: 1558
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