Katalog Piotr Wojdyło, 2013-05-15 Jarosław Język angielski, Scenariusze Scenariusz lekcji j. angielskiego klasa 6 SP - The fastest animalLesson Plan Subject: The fastest animal Level: elementary, the 6th class of primary school Age: 13 years old Teacher's aids: Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn, Dorota Sapiejewska “Sky 2” - Student's book, Pearson Longman, CD recording Forms of work : individual work and group work Aims of the lesson: to learn and practice how to use comparatives and superlatives: short adjectives to practice reading and listening skills and to introduce new vocabulary to enhance communication – ask and talk about animals, ask and talk about people in the class Stage 1 Warm-up (5 minutes) Teacher encourages Ss to work in pairs or small groups, making a note of all the animals they know in English. Ss report back to the class and see how many different animals they have thought of. Stage 2 Vocabulary: Animals (7minutes) Listen and repeat. T plays the recording several times for Ss to listen and repeat the words. Ss can see which words they had thought of in the warm-up activity. Then T asks Ss to work individually or in pairs, matching the words and pictures and making a note of the animals that are not in the pictures. Stage 3 Grammar comparatives and superlatives: short adjectives (10 minutes) Listen and read. Teacher plays the recording two or three times for Ss to listen and read. Then ask pairs of Ss to read aloud the question and answer. Look and learn. T gives Ss time to read through the phrases and sentences. T explains Ss how to create comparative forms of fat, thin, pretty and tidy on the board (fatter, thinner, prettier, tidier). Stage 4 Practice ( 23 minutes) Read and speak. Teacher reads through the example item with the class. Ss then complete the quiz in pairs, taking turns to give their answer to each question. Ss check their answers at the bottom of the page and see how many they got right. T asks Ss if any of the answers surprised them. Students are asked to read and complete the text above with the correct form of the adjective. T then checks that Ss understand the meaning of endangered (animals). T advises Ss to read through each sentence before completing it so that they know whether a comparative or superlative adjective is needed. One of the Ss' read aloud the sentences and the others check if the answers are correct. Wyświetleń: 930
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