
Urszula Grządziel, 2013-05-14

Język angielski, Konspekty

lesson plan for 3rd class

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Lesson plan

About the students/class/lesson:extroverts


Number of sts:20
Level of sts:Beginner

Topic:Meal times

Main skills:listening, writing
Overall aim(s) for the lesson: By the end of the lesson student will have developed awareness of words connected with food, meals, meal times, The students will have the ability to recognize the words in a given context. The students will have the ability to identify the words while listening. The students will be able to write the words correctly. The students will have developed cultured awareness of British eating habits. living

Stages Procedure Sub-aim/detailed aim Time Interacion type/group arrangement Materials/aids
Revision of the words related to food learnt during the recent lesson
Ss gives examples of the words related to food learners got to know at the recent lesson
To remind the words related to food 4 min
Feedback to given examples
T conducts feedback on the given examples – if there are mistakes T asks Ss to correct themselves
To engage Ss in self correction and peer correction

2 min T-S
Introducing the new subject
T elicits the words connected with food, meals, time of particular meals To provide the idea of new words connected with food, meals, time of particular meals 3 min T-Ss Visual aids – pictures of people eating different kinds of meals, pictures of food products

Introducing the examples of the words connected with food, meals, time of particular meals To engage S in creating more examples and to familiarize S with the subject in a more extent
4 min Ss-T
Feedback to given examples

T conducts feedback on the given examples-if there are mistakes T asks Ss to correct themselves
To engage Ss in self correction and peer correction

2 min T-Ss
Practising the understanding of the introduced words and phrases through listening
Ss are asked to listen and to identify the meaning of the words and phrases in a dialogue
To check Ss understanding of the words and phrases heard
4 min Ss-T Student’s Book (pg 56, ex. 4) CD
Feedback to Ss work

Ss give the answers
To clarify any problems
2 min Ss-T
Practising writing meal times Ss are asked to listen to and write the meal times To enble Ss to write down meal times 10 min Individual work Student’s Book (pg 57, ex. 5), CD
Feedback to Ss work
Chosen S reads her or his answers
To clarify any problems
8 min S-T
Giving homework T tells the Ss what homework is to be done (drawing the proper time, filling in gaps in sentences with the names of food, meals, meals times)
To help S to void any misunderstanding while doing homework
6 min T-Ss Exercise Book (pg 29, ex. 3,4)

“New Sparks Plus. Podręcznik dla Szkoły Podstawowej.”; Magdalenia Szprotowicz, Małgorzata Szulc-Kurpaska; Oxford

Anticipated problems: there would be students who have quicker pace of working than the rest of the class so I should prepare additional worksheets, it will be the last lesson and the learners may be tired so I should start the lesson with the chant they know and like in order to create interest in the topic
Wyświetleń: 871

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