
Urszula Grządziel, 2013-05-14

Język angielski, Konspekty

lesson plan for 5th class

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Lesson plan

About the students/class/lesson:willing to participate in class activities


Number of sts:14

Level of sts:Elementary

Topic:At the market

Main skills:listening, speaking
Overall aim(s) for the lesson: By the end of the lesson student will have developed awareness of words related to shopping at the open air market. The students will have developed cultured awareness of British style of living. The students will have the ability to identify the words while listening. The students will have the awareness of the characteristics of a good interview. The students will develop basic competences in operating recording devices.

Stages Procedure Sub-aim/detailed aim Time Interacion type/group arrangement Materials/aids
Revision of the words related to shopping especially at the open air market
Ss gives examples of the words related to shopping especially at the open air market
To remind the words related to shopping especially at the open air market 4 min
Feedback to given examples
T conducts feedback on the given examples – if there are mistakes T asks Ss to correct themselves
To engage Ss in self correction and peer correction
2 min T-S
Introducing the new subject
T elicits the words connected with shopping at the open air market To provide the idea of new words connected with shopping at the open air market 3 min T-Ss Visual aids – pictures of people shopping at the open air market
Introducing the examples of the words connected with shopping at the open air market To engage S in creating more examples and to familiarize S with the subject in a more extent
4 min Ss-T
Feedback to given examples

T conducts feedback on the given examples-if there are mistakes T asks Ss to correct themselves
To engage Ss in self correction and peer correction

2 min T-Ss
Practising the understanding of the introduced words and phrases through listening
Ss are asked to listen and to identify the meaning of the words and phrases in a text To check Ss understanding of the words and phrases heard
4 min Ss-T Student’s Book (pg 46, ex. 1,2) CD
Feedback to Ss work

Ss give the answers
To clarify any problems
2 min T-Ss
Practising understanding of the introduced words and phrases through listening and reading Ss are asked to listen to and mark the true and false sentences about the text heard and read before To check Ss understanding of the words and phrases heard and read
3 min Individual work Student’s Book (pg 46, ex. 3)
Feedback to Ss work

Appointed S reads her or his answers
To enable to compare their answers and to clarify any problems
2 min S-T
Practising using new phrases in a given context

Ss are asked to prepare few questions for an interview with Jenny To engage S in creating real life questions about shopping 6 min Group work Pencil and paper

Feedback to Ss work

Captains of the teams read sentences of their teams
the best questions are written on a board
To compare their answers and to clarify any problems
To provide the idea in what way people build questions
2 min S-T Board, chalk
Practising producing the interview

Volunteers act out the interview in front of the class To engage students in practicing speech in real life situations 6 min S-T/S microphone
Feedback to Ss work

T conducts feedback on the scene-if there are mistakes T asks Ss to correct themselves
To engage Ss in self correction and peer correction
3 min T-S

Giving homework

T tells the Ss what homework is to be done and explains the instructions of the exercise (Ss are supposed to conduct an interview with a family member about shopping (you can use tape recorder, camcorder, mobile phone, pen and paper). Bring the material to the class in a week’s time.
To help Ss to avoid any misunderstandings while doing homework, to build the Ss confidence
2 min

“New Friends 2. Podręcznik dla Szkoły Podstawowej.”; Carol Skinner, Mariola Bogucka; Longman
Wyświetleń: 720

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