Katalog Joanna Basoń, 2012-08-07 Skała Język angielski, Teksty piosenek Język angielski - piosenki dla Najmłodszych - łatwe i krótkiePROSTE I KRÓCIUTKIE PIOSENKI NA MELODIĘ „PANIE JANIE” DLA NAJMŁODSZYCH – DLA PRZEDSZKOLAKÓW I KL. I-III. ŁATWO TWORZYĆ KOLEJNE. POLECAM! WSZYSTKIE WERSY OCZYWIŚCIE POWTARZAMY 2 RAZY Hello Kasia How are you I am glad to see you I like you Goodbye Kasia Time to go It was great (fun/nice) to meet you See you soon Hello Mummy How are you I just want to tell you I love you Hello Daddy How are you I am really happy To be with you I’ve got a flower It’s for you I just want to tell you I love you I am hungry Yes I am Can I have a sandwich / an apple / a pizza / some milk / some chocolate / etc …? Thanks so much What shall we do now? I don’t know Let’s go to the garden We can play Sit down children Now stand up Move around together One two three Apple and cherry I love fruit Banana, plum, strawberry Every day How many apples / tables / flowers / children / etc.. Can you see? I can see one (…three/four/five/six…) apple(s) / table(s) / etc … Over there I like chocolate / apples / tomatoes etc … Yes I do Do you like bananas / tomatoes / potatoes / etc …? No I don’t I’ve got a robot And a ball / doll / car / kite / plane / etc … Have you got a lorry / skateboard / laptop / etc …? Show me please I CZTERY PIOSENKI “WIELKANOCNE”… Easter bunny Come to me Have you got a present? Can / May I see? Easter basket It’s so full Are there any bunnies? Yes, there are. Happy Easter It’s so nice I like chocolate bunnies Yes, I do Easter basket It’s so big Look into my basket There’s a chick Wyświetleń: 1914
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