Katalog Magdalena Szpyra, 2012-04-18 Modliborzyce Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy Tourism 1 unit 2 wordlistp.12 destination natural destination built destination resort mass-market destination upmarket destination niche market destination tourist attraction natural attraction built attraction purpose-built attraction histioric monument theme park castle natural geographic feature palace beach cathedral temple ski resort Xerox: A sightseeing holiday in the city market statue go on a sightseeing tour go on a tour of a castle/cathedral sightsee guidebook go sightseeing do a bit of/a lot of sightseeing have a look round take pictures/photos spend money get lost/lose one’s way have a great/terrible/nice time go out packed with tourists cosmopolitan touristy lively be worth seeing be worth a visit p.13 tourist flow domestic tourism inbound tourism outbound tourism main tourism generators top destinations p.14 come from be made up of estimate outnumber five to one spend spender expenses expenditure earn earner earnings receive receipt receipts get into debts save total claim travel and hotel costs make a profit p.15 climate rainy sunny chilly temperate damp hot warm cold humid natural features beach desert lake coastline waterfall countryside volcano canyon event carnival folk dance exhibition performance fairs accommodation guest room youth hostel campsite holiday cottage caravan ferry coach underground on foot harbor music festival art gallery heritage national heritage nightlife rocky steep cliffs mild mild winter cool cool summers respect custom tradition p.16 New Zealand the Balearic Islands Mallorca Menorca Ibiza Formentera capital population currency official language lie/lying the South Pacific Ocean consist of locate south-east north-west extreme high winds scenery landscape unspoiled varied glaciers rainforests dramatic coastline geysers include outdoor activities river-rafting whale-watching invention grow increase follow huge success guaranteed sunshine fabulous easy to get to float location choose gorgeous boast setting stretch get a tan sun-seekers seek provide plenty of architecture hilltop olive groves sailing trip miss spectacular attract visitors p.18 remote cottage spectacular views ruined castle cheap flights cultural heritage delicious food happy memories relaxing break exciting nightlife lively bars crowded beaches p.128 escape rent a cottage five miles away walk through the hills no one can get hold of me electricity the mobile doesn’t get reception emergency sounds great I suppose stay in/at long weekend once a year twice a year three times a year get a feel for sth villa good scene go for sth p.19 the Seychelles p.109 hemisphere square kilometers plateau rainfall vineyards wildlife wildlife reserves mammal species major rising crime giant tortoise honeymoon paradise rely on workforce Wyświetleń: 1754
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