Katalog Magdalena Szpyra, 2012-04-18 Modliborzyce Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy Tourism 1 unit 1 wordlistp.4 key criteria displacement purpose duration accommodation catering tourist information travel agent tour operation pilot tour guide flight attendant tourist information officer travel agent receptionist waiter/waitress resort rep chef porter hotel manager airline check-in clerk clerk travel jobs hotel jobs retail jobs Xerox: Describing character warm/cold friendly/unfriendly kind/unkind nice/horrible pleasant/unpleasant generous/mean optimistic/pessimistic easy-going/tense sensitive/insensitive honest/dishonest good fun/boring broad-minded/narrow-minded self-confident shy show sb’s feelings have a great sense of humour hard-working/lazy punctual/not very punctual always late reliable/unreliable clever/stupid flexible/inflexible ambitious/not ambitious have a lot of common sense have no common sense make a good impression first impression come across as/appear to be p.5 calm/nervous extrovert/introvert/shy friendly/unfriendly hardworking/lazy organized/disorganized smart/scruffy creative practical/impractical flexible/inflexible confident independent independently work as part of a team explain deal with people make sb relax work under pressure deal with money work long hours career enjoy +-ing like +-ing dislike +-ing be good/bad at +-ing be able to have to know how to feel confident about sth/-ing be willing to begin continue intend customer colleagues speak clearly on the phone p.52 Personal statement personal statement experience development strengths improve children’s entertainer nanny/babysitter training initial child care fluently qualifications opportunity p.6 personal details single the Cayman Islands hotel front desk car rental supervisor tour company attend trade fairs sustainability sustainable community tourism internship succeed in sth provide sb with sth provide sth crucial make sense make no sense look at sth from a different angle various Caribbean my goal is main goal rounded knowledge from ground level to the top Xerox: Unit 1 – map Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Cuba Jamaica Cayman Islands Xerox: Unit 1 – texts secure a credit card expenses variety intermediary transfer callers employee hotel facilities surrounding areas complaint ensure/make sure return benefit community host the Amazon the Andes the Sinai beyond mainstream tourism conventional tours p.7 day off back office check in hand out process enquiries work shifts drag get off do the late turn do the late shift take turns at doing sth be on the phone set the agenda at least stock get invited network changeover days work long hours bring back get him/her/us/them settled sort out problems do the paperwork take place private bathroom stay deluxe suites hold a business meeting p.8 typical daily tasks expedition greet guide sb along the route interpret good with sb/sth assemble promote develop public sector tourism p.9 the customer is always right delight sb p.10 challenge currency economy security related arrival double have an influence on sb/sth modern (in)direct be based on sth key development mass tourism growth predict be affected by concern (n) worry (n) value (n) emerge protect the environment animal life damage change sth for the better change sth for the worse p.11 refer to mention a piece of information Wyświetleń: 2539
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