
Joanna Bednarczuk, 2012-04-11

Język angielski, Konspekty

Konspekt lekcji języka angielskiego dla dzieci niewidomych i niedowidzących- “She hates carrots”

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Konspekt lekcji języka angielskiego dla dzieci niewidomych i niedowidzących- “She hates carrots”

Age: 12
Topic: She hates carrots!
Time: 45 minutes
After a lesson students should;
• Know how to describe objects using new adjectives
• Familiarize with new vocabulary
• Understand the rules how to build questions in Present Simple Tense
Teaching aids: headphones, CD player, fruits and vegetables such as: apples, bananas, carrots, kiwi, tomatoes: materials in written form for those who can see enlarged print

1.The beginning of the lesson
- asks students about their mood and the weather and date
- checks the homework
- asks students to tell what they have learned during the last lesson

- answer the teacher’s questions
2. Main part
- distribute real fruits and vegetables and asks students to recognize what fruit they are holding and describe them
- a few pupils describe the objects using known adjectives and asks teacher to give new adjectives useful while describing those objects
Remarks: Teacher helps students to describe the objects by giving new words.
3. Working with new material
- mentions once again adjectives that were used while describing fruits and vegetables such as; hard, long, curved, smooth, round
- asks students to tell what they remember about Present Simple Tense
-asks about the taste of those fruits
- practice the pronunciation of new words by repeating them
-give information about Present Simple Tense
Remarks: Headphones and CD player can be used to introduce the vocabulary and practice the pronunciation of the words. Those students who can see enlarged print or use Braille code should be provided with the written form of those words
4. Speaking exercises
- asks students to work in pairs and talk about their favourite fruits and vegetables
- build the questions in Present Simple Tense; such as Do you like carrots?, What is your favourite fruit?
-answer those questions
5. The ending of lesson
- asks students what they have learned and what they like about the lesson
- asks to write given adjectives down
-answer teachers’ questions
Remarks: Teacher should take into consideration students’ answers while planning lessons in the future
Opracowała Joanna Bednarczuk

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