
Anna Pawłowska, 2012-01-16
Kazimierz Dolny

Język angielski, Scenariusze

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - scenariusz przedstawienia

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Flower 1
Flower 2
Butterfly 1
Butterfly 2
Daddy Bear
Mummy Bear
Baby Bear

(Goldilocks plays in the garden. Her mother approaches)
MOTHER --- Goldilocks! Goldilocks! Stay here in the garden. Remember, be good and don’t go to the woods… It’s dangerous!
GOLDILOCKS --- Oh, mummy, please don’t worry!
MOTHER --- Be careful…. I’m going to cook dinner and I’ll call you when it is ready.
GOLDILOCKS --- OK, I’ll be here just playing.
(When her mother leaves, Goldilocks decides to take a walk to the forest)
GOLDILOCKS: I like these flowers, they are so beautiful… and they smell very nice!
FLOWER 1 AND 2: Hello Goldilocks!
GOLDILOCKS: How do you know my name?
FLOWER 1: We know you and your mother!
FLOWER 2: And today you broke your mother’s rule!
FLOWER 1: You didn’t listen to her. You should go back home.
GOLDILOCKS: No … the forest looks very nice! (She sees two butterflies and starts chasing after them) Oh, I can see lovely butterflies! I’ll just play with them for a while!
BUTTERFLY 1: You can’t catch us!
BUTTERFLY 1 AND 2: No, you can’t!
(The butterflies fly away)
FLOWER 1: No!… Goldilocks … Don’t go to the woods. It’s dangerous!
FLOWER 2: (sadly) She’s didn’t listen and she will get lost!
(Goldilocks turns around. She doesn’t know where she is)
GOLDILOCKS: (crying) I don’t know which way to go... This way…. No, maybe that way…
(She sees a rabbit)
GOLDILOCKS: Hey, you…wait!
RABBIT: Are you talking to me?
GOLDILOCKS: Yes. Please help me. I’m lost… I don’t know where my house is. Can you help me?
RABBIT: That’s easy… go this way and soon you will be home!
(The rabbit points to a road in the forest )
GOLDILOCKS: Thank you little rabbit!
RABBIT: Good luck!
(The rabbit leaves. Goldilocks walks and sees a house)
GOLDILOCKS: Oh I can see a house…. (sadly) but it’s not my house.
(She runs to the house. She knocks at the door)
GOLDILOCKS: I’ll knock at the door…
GOLDILOCKS: There’s nobody home.
GOLDILOCKS: Hello, hello… is anybody home?
(Nobody answers.)
GOLDILOCKS: I’ll go inside and have a look.
((She enters the house. She sees a table with three bowls of porridge.)
GOLDILOCKS: There is some porridge on the table and porridge is my favourite food! I’ll eat just a bit.
(She tastes from the biggest bowl)
GOLDILOCKS: Yuk! Not this one! It’s too hot!
(She tastes from the second bowl)
GOLDILOCKS: Ugh! This one tastes horrible!
(She tastes from the smallest bowl)
GOLDILOCKS: This one is very good. Just right for me!
(She eats all the porridge from the smallest bowl)
GOLDILOCKS: Yummy, the porridge was so delicious! And now I really need to rest!
(She sees three different-sized chairs. She sits on the big chair)
GOLDILOCKS: Oh no! This chair is too big for me!
(She sits on the middle chair)
GOLDILOCKS: No! This one is too hard!
(She sits in the small chair)
GOLDILOCKS: Yes! This chair is nice and soft, just right for me! (The chair breaks and she falls down) Oh no, it broke!
(She starts yawning)
GOLDILOCKS: I feel so sleepy. I need a bed. I’ll go to the bedroom.
(She opens the door. She sees three different- sized beds. She stretches her arms and yawns. She looks at the beds.)
GOLDILOCKS: This bed is too big for me!
GOLDILOCKS: This one is too hard!
(She lies down in the small-sized bed)
GOLDILOCKS: Oh! This is the right bed, soft and small!
(She falls asleep. Three bears enter the house.)
MUMMY BEAR: Come on. Let’s have something to eat. The porridge should be cold by now.
BABY BEAR: I’m so hungry.
(The three bears sat at the table and look at their bowls.)
DADDY BEAR: Someone tasted by porridge!
MUMMY BEAR: Mine too!
BABY BEAR: Mummy, mummy where is my porridge? Someone ate it!
(The Baby Bear cries. Papa Bears looks at the chairs)
DADDY BEAR: Oh, dear!
MUMMY BEAR: What’s wrong, Darling?
DADDY BEAR: Look at the chairs! Someone sat in my chair!
MUMMY BEAR: In mine too!
BABY BEAR: Someone broke my chair! Mummy, mummy now I haven’t got a chair! It’s not fair!
DADDY BEAR: Someone has been here!
MUMMY BEAR: Ate the porridge!
BABY BEAR: And broke my chair!
DADDY BEAR: We must find him! Let’s check in the bedroom. But be careful.
(The three bears enter the bedroom. They stand in front of the beds)
BABY BEAR: Mummy, mummy someone is sleeping in my bed!
(Goldilocks wakes up. She sees the three bears and, screams and starts running)
GOLDILOCKS: Oh, noooooo!
THREE BEARS: Let’s get her!
(Goldilocks runs away into the forest)
FLOWERS: Run Goldie! Run!
(Goldilocks arrives to her house. Her mother is in the garden)
MOTHER: Goldilocks… where have you been?
GOLDILOCKS: Oh, mother! I was in the forest and I saw three bears!
MOTHER: I told you many times not to go to the forest!
GOLDILOCKS: I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I promise that I will always obey you!
(Goldilocks and her mother enter their house)
The End

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