
IWONA WÓJCIK, 2011-01-28

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Kartkówka z angielskiego phrasal verb i słówka

- n +


I. Wstaw odpowiednią formę phrasal verb GIVE.
Example: When she left school, she g ave a way all her books.
1 The teacher g ………… b ………… our homework at the beginning of the lesson.
2 She always wants to win - she'll never g ………… …… !
3 Please g ………… o ………… the dictionaries.
4 My grandfather g ………… u ………… smoking three years ago.

II. Wybierz właściwą formę.
Example : The news was a terrible [shock] / shocking / shocked.

1 It was an amazed / amazing / amazement film.
2 The drive to the top of the Snowy Mountains was thrill / thrilled / thrilling.
3 The children will be exciting / excitement / excited before the party.
4 The news was completely horror / horrifying / horrified.
5 I am frightened / frightening / fright of dogs.
6 My greatest pleasing / pleased / pleasure is chocolate.


I. Wstaw odpowiednią formę phrasal verb GIVE.
Example : When she left school, she g ave a way all her books.

1 You have got my dictionary. Please g………….. it b…………….. .
2 I'm going to g………….. o………………. invitations for the party.
3 Our team will never g…………… …………They always play to win.
4 I g…………. u…………… sugar in tea and coffee a long time ago.

II. Wybierz właściwą formę.
Example: The news was a terrible shock / shocking / shocked.

1 The teacher looked horror / horrifying / horrified when the boy answered back.
2 The journey across India will be excited / excitement / exciting.
3 Mark was thrill / thrilled / thrilling when Kim agreed to go to the party with him.
4 The head teacher was pleased / please / pleasure with our results.
5 The fireworks last night were amazed / amazing / amazement.
6 I can't stop worry / worrying / worried about my exams
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