
Agnieszka Łatka, 2010-12-30

Język angielski, Ćwiczenia

Ćwiczenia do filmu Jestem legendą - klucz

- n +


1. What animals are there in New York? (circle correct, more than one)

a. deer b. lions c. crocodiles d. tigers e. giraffes

2. What time is Dr Robert supposed to go back home before the dusk?
5:22 p.m.
3. How much snow was there in NY? /reporter saying on TV/
a. 12.9 inches b. 26.9 inches c. 29.6 inches

4. Which song is the main character listening to while washing his dog?
Bob Marley ‘Everything’s gonna be alright’
5. What are the names of the two dummies outside the shop?
Fred, Marge
6. What time is the shop open? /on shop door/
7. What’s the main character’s full name?
Robert Neville
8. Where does Dr Robert wait for sb to come every day at midday?
South Street Seaport
9. What does ‘Fore!’ mean while playing golf?
a. Watch out! b. Look at me! c. Hide!
10. How is ‘źrenica’ in English? /in the lab/
11. What is the name of the virus? /in the lab/
Krippin Virus
12. What rank is Dr Robert in the army? /watch them getting on a chopper/
a. Lieutenant Colonel b. Colonel Lieutenant c. captain What’s the full
13. What’s the full name of the dog?
14. What exactly is Dr Robert saying when he’s begging the dummy in the shop?
Please, say hello to me.
15. What’s Dr Robert’s address? /in the car/
11, Washington Square
16. What are the names of the two people who saved Dr Robert?
Anna, Ethan
17. Which state are they from? /in the kitchen/
18. Which state are they going to? /in the kitchen/
19. What is the name of the place they’re heading and where is it? /in the kitchen/
Survivours Colony, Safe Zone
20. What’s the original English sentence ‘Zainwestuj w tik taki, bo Ci jedzie!’ (‘Shrek’ on TV)
You definitely need some tic-tacs because your breath stinks
21. Who told Anna to turn on the radio?
22. When was the cure discovered? /in the colony/
September, 9th 2010, 8:49 p.m.

Wyświetleń: 826

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