Katalog Mirosław Siemieniuk, 2010-05-13 Szczecin Język angielski, Konkursy The BEATLES - quiz.1 Was this group a trio, quartet or quintet? 2 Who was the bass player? 3 Who didn't play any instrument? 4 Who was born in Liverpool? 5 In which German city their international career started? 6 How many number 1 hits did they have? 7 Who was the lead singer ? 8 Which ‘beatle’ was interested in Indian music? 9 Which of them sang the famous ” Yellow Submarine” ? 10 Where was John Lennon living in 1980? 11 How did he die and when? 12 How many of them are still alive? 13 What are the titles of 3 films they made? 14 Can you name 3 famous George Harrison compositions? 15 What songs composed Ringo Starr? Wyświetleń: 928
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