Katalog Przemysław Waszak, 2010-04-29 Toruń Język angielski, Gry Solve some riddles for art historians.1) A kind of decorative vaulting, can be found in the biggest hall church of Gdańsk. (Two words: 4 letters, dash, 8 letters). 2) Is a representation of Blue (Heavenly) Jerusalem. (Two words, 6 letters, space, 9 letters). 3) Birth of Christ. (8 letters) 4) Flying… (supports walls of the church) (8 letters) 5) Otto von… A significant scientist who wrote “The gothic cathedral: origins of Gothic architecture and the medieval concept of order”. (6 letters) 6) Cathedral of Cologne has one nave and four …. (6 letters) Answers: 1. cell-vaulting 2. gothic cathedral 3. Nativity 4. buttress 5. Simson 6. aisles Wyświetleń: 1867
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