
Katarzyna Śliwińska, 2010-04-12

Język angielski, Konspekty

Scenariusz lekcji z języka angielskiego

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1. Play a few lines of the song. Ask your students to guess the title of the song and the performer
2. Ask whether they know the singer. If yes, what they are to tell what they know
3. Students listen to the song just for general understanding
4. Discussion about the meaning of the song
5. Students listen to the song for specific information (WORKSHEET 1)
6. Students describe the feelings the song creates looking at the lines (WORKSHEET 2)


Ex. 1: Listen to the first stanza of the song and find mistakes

I sit and wave
does an angel contemplate my fate
and do they know
the places where they go
when we’re grey and old
‘cos I’ve been told
that salvation let’s their wings unfold
so when I’m lying in my room
thoughts running through my head
and I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead

Ex. 2: Listen to the lines and fill in the missing words of the song
when I’m feeling ………..
and my pain ……………… down a one way street
I look ……………..
and I know ill always be blessed with love
and as the feeling ……………
she breathes flesh to my bones
and when love is ……………..
I’m loving angels …………….

Ex.3: Listen to the third stanza of the song and find unnecessary words
when I’m feeling very weak
and my pain walks down a one way street up
I look above
and I know ill always be blessed with love
and as the feeling grows
she breathes flesh back to my bones
and when love is dead
I’m loving angels instead

Ex.4 : Try to write a translation of the song

by Robbie Williams

I sit and wait
does an angel contemplate my fate
and do they know
the places where we go
when we’re grey and old
‘cos I’ve been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold
so when I’m lying in my bed
thoughts running through my head
and I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead

and through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
whether I’m right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
when I come to call she wont forsake me
I’m loving angels instead

when I’m feeling weak
and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
and I know ill always be blessed with love
and as the feeling grows
she breathes flesh to my bones
and when love is dead
I’m loving angels instead

and through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
whether I’m right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
when I come to call she wont forsake me
I’m loving angels instead
Wyświetleń: 1862

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