
Małgorzata Szwaja
Język angielski, Konkursy

Gimnazjalny Konkurs Języka Angielskiego

- n +

Gimnazjalny konkurs z języka angielskiego

Szkoła............................................................................. Data:.................................
Imię i nazwisko............................................................. Punkty:...................... /100
Czas trwania konkursu: 90 minut



I Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź:
1. We.............enter this room. It says 'Staff Only'.
a) don't have to
b) must
c) mustn't

2. I want...................post this letter.
a) to you
b) you to
c) you

3. This weekend will be.............last weekend.
a) the hottest
b) hotter than
c) the hotter than

4. There's too..............flour left to make a cake.
a) little
b) few
c) many

5. Mr Smith,................ shop is down the street, sells antique furniture.
a) whose
b) who
c) which

6. Jane invited us to her house to play.............chess.
a) -
b) the
c) a

7. He answered the phone..............
a) rudest
b) rudely
c) rude

8. Can you tell me how much......................?
a) that pen costs
b) does that pen cost
c) costs that pen

9. Tom drank coffee,...............?
a) did he
b) didn't Tom
c) didn't he

10............... feed these birds!
a) Do
b) No
c) Don't

II Przetłumacz słowa podane w nawiasie. Możesz użyć więcej niż jednego słowa.
0. I (chcę) want ice-cream.
1. She (czasami)......................................visits her grandmother in the hospital.
2. Do they like (nas)..................?
3. We (zamierzamy)............................................go to the cinema.
4. My son (nie kupił)....................................... new shoes yet.
5. Who's (Lucy).............................father? _____/5

III Poniższe zdania są błędne - popraw je:
0. That house is my. That house is mine.
1. Kate has got two gooses. .......................................................................................
2. There are any apples on the table. .........................................................................
3. I can't swim when I was 7. .....................................................................................
4. I always am busy. ...................................................................................................
5. We love to read books. ............................................................................................
6. We haven't seen her for lunch. ................................................................................
7. Sue takes photos at the moment. ..............................................................................

IV Czasowniki w nawiasach podaj w odpowiedniej formie i odpowiednim czasie.
0. I was born (be) 15 years ago.
1. Ben.......................................... (wait) for me when I arrived.
2. David is very lazy. He.......................................(not / like) hard work.
3. Where is John?................................................. (he / run)?
4. Kate...........................................(not / speak) to me since Monday.
5. If it rains, we..................................(stay) at home.

V Wstaw a, an, the lub .
0. _____ Japan is situated in Asia.
1. Is there______bank near here?
2. There was ______accident when I was going______home.
3. ______sky is very clear tonight.
4. Everest is______highest mountain in______world.
5. I usually listen to______radio while I'm having ______breakfast.
6. Julia is ______doctor and her husband is______ art teacher.

VI Wstaw przymiotnik lub przysłówek w podane przykłady.
0. She runs fast. (fast)
1. Listen to him very.....................................(careful)!
2. Ann doesn't sing very..........................(good) but she's got a ....................(clear) voice.
3. Don't be............................(late) for school!
4. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very..............................(quick).
5. It rained................................(heavy) yesterday.

I Określ do jakiej kategorii należą podane wyrazy.
0. Polish, Japanese, English, French - NATIONALITIES
1. September, October, November - A__ __ __ __ __
2. hall, garden, sitting room, toilet - __O__ __ __
3. windy, sunny, humid, freezing - W__ __ __ __E __
4. board, desk, ruler, pencil - C__ __ __ __R__ __ __
5. pullover, tie, gloves, suit - __L__ __ __ __ __

II Połącz dwie części wyrazów.
0. post  a. card  0 - g
1. fairy  b. bread  1___
2. soaking  c. strap  2___
3. financial d. wet  3___
4. block of e. fashioned  4___
5. firework f.. tale  5___
6. credit  g. office  6___
7. old  h. flats  7___
8. leather  i. accounts  8___
9. foot  j. display  9___
10. loaf of k. prints  10___

III Podkreśl słowo, które nie pasuje do danej kategorii.
0. brother  sister  doctor  niece
1. jazz  guitar  pop  soul
2. land  sea  river  lake
3. great  terrific  awful  brilliant
4. quiet  sad  funny  short
5. tennis  gym  hockey  cricket

IV Podaj wyrazy o przeciwnym znaczeniu.
0. new - old  6. safe -........................................
1. slim -.................................  7. stupid -......................................
2. before -...............................  8. ugly -........................................
3. interesting -........................  9. cheap -......................................
4. front -..................................  10. hot -..........................................
5. first -...................................  _____/10

V Dopasuj słowa do odpowiedniej kategorii i wpisz w odpowiednie miejsce.
waist trumpet strawberry lettuce knee violin
harp saxophone sugar stomach garlic face
Food and drink Parts of the body Instruments


VI Wstaw brakujące przyimki (in, at, on, with, for, since, to).
0. We're having a party on Saturday.
1. Bombay is _______ the west coast of India.
2. Jack has gone away. He'll be back _______ a week.
3. Brian has worked at the grocer's _______ 1995.
4. I wonder what's _______ TV this evening.
5. Do you like coffee _______ milk?
6. Sharon is _______ Ann's.
7. I'm going _______ Italy.
8. Kevin lived in London _______ six months.
9. The next meeting is _______ 10:30.
10. There's too sugar _______ my tea.

VII Przeczytaj i wstaw do, go, have, make lub play.
0............. do............my homework
1............................. the washing - up
2............................. hide-and-seek
3.............................. jogging
4.............................. the beds
5.............................. a bath
Możliwych 10 5 7 5 10 6 5 10 5 10 12 10 5 100


Zadanie I
1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-a, 6-a, 7-b, 8-a, 9-c, 10-c

Zadanie II
1-sometimes, 2-us, 3-are going to, 4-hasn't bought, 5-Lucy's

Zadanie III
1- geese, 2- some (lub aren't), 3- couldn't, 4- I am always, 5- love reading, 6- since lunch,
7- Sue is taking photos

Zadanie IV
1- was waiting, 2- doesn't like, 3- Is he running, 4- hasn't spoken, 5- we will stay

Zadanie V
1 a, 2 an, -, 3 the, 4 the, the, 5 the, -, 6 a, an

Zadanie VI
1- carefully, 2- well, clear, 3- late, 4- quickly, 5- heavily

Zadanie I
1- autumn, 2- house, 3- weather, 4- classroom, 5- clothes

Zadanie II
1-f, 2-d, 3-i, 4-h, 5-j, 6-a, 7-e, 8-c, 9-k, 10-b

Zadanie III
1-guitar, 2-land, 3-awful, 4-short, 5-gym

Zadanie IV
1- fat, 2-after, 3-boring, 4-back, 5-last, 6-dangerous, 7-clever, 8-beautiful, pretty, 9-expensive,
10-cold, freezing

Zadanie V
Food and drink
- strawberry, lettuce, sugar, garlic
Parts of the body - waist, knee, stomach, face
Instruments - trumpet, violin, harp, saxophone

Zadanie VI
1- on, 2- in, 3- since, 4- on, 5- with, 6- at, 7- to, 8- for, 9-at, 10- in

Zadanie VII
1-do, 2- play, 3-go, 4- make, 5- have

Opracowanie: mgr Małgorzata Szwaja

Wyświetleń: 2275

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