
Jacek Zając
Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Test z języka angielskiego - My house

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Test z języka angielskiego - My House

.................. ........................
name surname

1. Przetłumacz zaimki dzierżawcze (5pkt)
moja.............. book
twoj......................... nose
jego....................... boat
jej........................ boy
moje........................ eye
twój............................ House
nasza.............. book
wasz......................... nose
ich....................... boat
mój........................ boy
twoje........................ eye
jego............................ house
2. Przetłumacz (5pkt)
a wall-
a window-
a bathroom-
the roof-
the floor-
3. Przetłumacz (5pkt)
Kelly′s house-
his hall-
her bedroom-
your sofa-
Andrew′s cat-
our Cds-
their cat-
my lamp-
your bed-
his dinning room-
4. Uzupełnij przyimkami: in, on, under, near, between (5pkt)
..... the kitchen there is a fridge.
The books are....... the bookcase.
The TV set is................ the wardrobe and the bed.
Your lamp is............. the table.
The garden is............... the house
..... the bathroom there is a washing machine.
The carpet is....... the living room.
The armchair is................ the widow and the door.
Your bed is............. the chair.
The lamp is............... the coffe table
5. Odpowiedz na pytania (5pkt)
1. What can you do?
2. Can your brother play football?
3. What can you do in the kitchen?
4. Can you play tennis?
5. What can your friend do?
6. Uzupełnij odmianę czasownika "can" (5pkt)
I can write
You...................... have a bath
He................... cook
She..................... swimm
Tom..................... read english books
I............................. sing
We........................ dance
You............................... ski
They........................... ride a bike
You............................... meet friends
7. Przetłumacz na j. polski. (5pkt)
My sister can open the door-
Janek can′t play basketball.-
Can we dance and swimm?-
You can′t have a shower.-
Can she cook and wash up?-
8. Przetłumacz na angielski i polski(5 pkt)
a cupboard-
a washbasin-
an armchair-
a bookcase-
a mirror-

Opracowanie: Jacek Zając

Wyświetleń: 5360

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