
Elżbieta Walas Ptak
Język angielski, Konspekty

Occupations - konspekt lekcji

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Learners: 12 thirteen-year-olds: ELEMENTRY students
Aims of the class: To introduce names of different professions, to revise "To be interested in", To be good at ", To be keen on"
Structures: Simple present,
Skills: speaking, listening, writing
Materials: blackboard, chalk, pictures with different persons on them, strips of paper with names of professions, cassette recorder, cassette, crossword.


1. Review (6 min)
Learners describe in Present Simple Tense what their parents or friends do at home, at work in the garden. Teacher can write some useful verbs and structures on the blackboard like clean, cook, watch, read...(My mother cooks dinners; My dad listens to the music. My sister is interesting in art.) Learners are divided into two groups: one group only asks questions, another only answers. After 3 min they change the roles. (What does your mum do at home? What is your brother good at?, What does he do at work? Is he interesting in sport?...)
Beginning of the lesson.
T asks students in L1 about occupations they know. Students answer in L1.

2. Presentation (15 min)
A) T presents names of different professons and shows pictures of them, repeats them twice, writes the names down on the blackboard. Students have to repeat the names loud and write them in their notebook.
B) T shows pictures of places or buildings, asks who works there, students guess the profession.T presents different professons connected with this place. (Hospital -nurse, doctor; School-teacher; Police station- policeman) Students repeat names loud.
C) T divides learners into four groups and gives them pictures, photos and stripes of paper with names of different professions on them. Students have to match stripes to pictures.After this students read the results.

3. Oral practice (10 min)
Students still in groups must choose one photo describe what they can see in the picture using Simple Present (In this picture I can see a woman. She is an actress. She plays in films; I can see a man. He is a singer. He sings songs.)This exercise can be presented by teacher or a good student at first.

4. Listening (4 min)
Students listen to dialogues about professions or only sounds of tools or machines, they have to guess what professon it can be.

5. Writing (10min)
Ls write 2-3 sentences about what they like to do and what they want to do in future. (I want to be a teacher. I want to work in the factory. I like children and I want to work in kindergarten. I am interested in...., I am good at..., I am keen on...) T helps students make simple sentences. Students read their own sentences.
Optional activity
Teacher gives crossword and instructions to each student. (Who is ready with sentences can do the crossword.) After that T checks the crossword with the students.
Here is an example of the crossword.

The key word is given: OCCUPATION or PROFESSION
1. ACT O  R
3. DO C  TOR
4. N U  RSE
8. S I  NGER
9. CO O  K

Ad.1 A person who plays in films.
Ad.2 A person who works in school.
Ad.3 A man who helps people in hospital.
Ad.4 A woman who works with doctors.
Ad.5 A person who composes the music.
Ad.6 A man who can fix cars.
Ad.7 A person who makes movies.
Ad.8 This person sings songs.
Ad.9 This man works in the restaurant and prepares delicious meals.
Ad.10 This person is interested in science, very often works in laboratory and discovers something new


Opracowanie: Elżbieta Walas Ptak

Wyświetleń: 4571

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