
Język angielski, Rady

Jak pisać wypracowania z angielskiego?

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How (not) to write an English composition

How (not) to write an English composition


     Pisanie na ocenę wypracowań po angielsku niejednemu przysporzyło już kłopotów. Pracę można sobie jednak trochę ułatwić. Istnieją wypracowane przez rzesze uczniów sposoby, które zawsze okazują się pomocne przy pisaniu zadań domowych.


     First, sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place, with plenty of colourful pens around you. Comfort is needed if you are to spend the next couple of hours by your table, writing and thinking in a language that is not your native one. Nothing should distract your attention from the homework, so make sure everything useful is around you.

     Read the topic of your composition ("My Hobby" for example) very carefully to make sure you understand it. When you finish reading it, stand up and open the window. Fresh air always makes you think better, so it will be easier for you to finish you job soon. While standing by the open window, you've got a chance to check if the plant your friend gave you a few months ago needs watering. Even if it does not, you may examine it carefully to see whether it has changed in the last couple of hours.

     Overjoyed with its beauty (you don't pay attention to that when there is no homework given), sit again in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place. As nothing is as developmental as a free exchange of information, phone your friend to see whether s/he has started to work as hard as you have. Perhaps s/he will give you a useful suggestion for writing the composition. Since you have somebody to talk to, ask if the person on the other end of the line liked the film that was aired on TV last evening. Discuss the finer points of the plot and express your hope that your friend will not have any problems with the homework. That shouldn't take more than thirty minutes.

     Having finished the conservation, sit again comfortably in your chair in a well lit place, preferably with plenty of colourful pens. Read the topic again to make absolutely sure you understand it. To create a friendly environment for writing in English, listen to your favourite song. As soon as it is over, you are going to start writing the first paragraph of your paper. However, you may decide as well that it would be worth to listen to the whole album because that music makes you active and ready to work. Or perhaps plan a list of songs for the evening and arrange your CDs in alphabetical order.

     While sitting in a chair, pen in hand, an unused sheet of paper on the desk, you might notice that hunger does not allow you to continue you with the hard work. You know how bad it is for you to think with an empty stomach. You've got no choice but to go to the kitchen and have a meal that is not necessarily the easiest to prepare. Not that you like cooking very much, but that makes you forget about other things for a while.

     Go back to you room. Check if everything is OK with your pens by drawing a flower or writing your name somewhere in your notebook. When you've got a sheet of paper full of flowers and your signatures, fetch another one on which you are just about to produce your composition. You may re-write your topic (remember ? That's "My Hobby"!), and the first step is done!

     That effort requires a prize! In the evening, nothing can brighten your mind as much as a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Prepare some for yourself. While being in the kitchen, it is important to persuade every member of your family how hard you have had to work. It is not bad to check how much time you've already spent on your homework since you sat in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place, with plenty of colourful pens around you.

     Do not panic when, after returning to your room, you will find out that there is not much written on your paper. As the third hour spent on English has finished, you have to ask for help. The older siblings could be of help. Check to see if your older brother or sister ever wrote anything similar to your homework that could be adapted to your needs. The good solution is to choose the composition that was marked with "A", though it takes a while to turn your brother's excellent "Juvenile Crime" homework into a composition about your favourite hobby.

     As it is very late now, do not pay attention whether or not you are sitting in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place, but start re-writing it. When finally the homework has been copied to your notebook (remember about small, but important changes, e.g. the name of the author!), you are free to go to bed. You deserve some rest as your another hard-working day is over. Are you proud of yourself?

(Text written by Krzysztof Baran for Anglorama, 1/99)

  • lit - oświetlony
  • to distract - rozpraszać
  • plant - roślina, kwiatek
  • watering - podlewanie
  • to examine - ogladać, badać
  • overjoyed - zachwycony
  • developmental - rozwijający
  • to be aired - (o programie) być nadawanym
  • having finished - skończywszy
  • to be just about (to do sth) - mieć właśnie coś zrobić
  • to require - wymagać
  • to presuade - przekonać
  • siblings - rodzeństwo
  • to adapt - przystosować
  • juvenile crime - przestępczość nieletnich
  • to deserve - zasługiwać
Wyświetleń: 7326

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