Chrońmy nasze środowisko
Cele: Uczeń poznaje przyczyny, skutki i możliwości rozwiązania problemów
ze zniszczeniem środowiska o zasięgu ogólnoświatowym.
Opis wykonania:
- Krótkie wprowadzenie do tematu - wymienienie najważniejszych problemów
związanych ze zniszceniem środowiska o zasięgu ogólnoświatowym.
- Praca z tekstem: "Our contaminated world".
- Serwis informacyjny przygotowany przez uczniów na tematy:
Discuss the major environmental problems in the world.
Why is\the contamination of air, water and soil dangerous for the world?
Name some sources of environmental pollution. Wymień źródła zanieczyszczenia
a) kwaśny deszcz
b) ginące lasy
c) zagrożenie przyrody
d) skażenie nuklearne
e) marnotrawstwo zasobów
Uczniowie przygotowują rozwinięcie poszczególnych tematów.
1. Discuss the greatest environmental problems in Poland.
2. What are the consequences of air pollution?
- contamination of rivers, lakes and the sea
- the water is viwed as a dumping place and is unfit bathing or drinking
- people living by a river or the sea are more likely to develop various
and skin infections
- destruction of the wildlife habitat
- extinction or decimation of numerous species
- pollution of the atmosphere
- health crisis in Poland - one of the lowest life - expectancy rates in Europe.
- The inhabitants of the most polluted Polish cities are susceptible to medical
problems as respiratory illnesses, infectious diseases, anaemia, developmental
disturbances, miscarriages, mental retardation, congenital diseases.
Problems |
The source of pollution |
The result |
How can we stop it? Solution |
Carbon dioxide, clouds of suphur /sulphur
compounds/ in industrial pollution from burning coal and exhaust fumes
produced by cars, which are dissolved in rain |
- polluted water, ruined crops, vegetables in
cities are poisoned /especially lettuce, radish, onion absorb heavy metals/;
ruined fauna and buildings /Mariacki church is becoming black/ frequent
births of retarded children |
- use pure fuel; base the energetics based not
on coal but on alternative sources, for example wind |
Ruined trees by acid rains. Cut out forests for
timber or for new cultivated areas-uncontrolled exploitation |
dehydration and soil erosion; fertile regions
will be turned into deserts; the violation of the ecological balance; |
Cutting out forests should be under control;
planing new cultivations and afforestations - green areas assimilate carbon
dioxide |
ozone hole - the depletion of ozone layer in
the atmosphere. The ozone film protects the biosphere against deadly
ultra-violet radiation of Sun. The ozone is a filter-it absorbs the
ultra-violet part of radiation 95% we own our tan to the rest 5%;
radioactive beans are getting into our atmosphere |
- the world's climate is warming up carbon
dioxide absorbs warmth; the melting of huge icebergs; The natural division
between seasons may be disturbed; displacement of zones to the north cancer
of skin /especially white population is subject to this illness/ |
The production of freons should be stopped. They
are applied in refrigerators, sprays and skating-rinks Space expeditions
should be stopped. |
devastation of forests; incautious fertilising
in agriculture; trade of exotic animals |
Animals lose their seats. The extinction of
species; ideal conditions for the development of noxies insects and bacteria.
Interruption of an alimentary chain. There are less plants to obtain drugs. |
Strict regulations concerning the trade of
animals and their products nature reserves, wildlife habitat. |
Testing and storage of nuclear weapon.
Contamination with nuclear fuel. Transport and storage of nuclear waste.
Disasters. |
Contamination of seas and annihilation of life
in them. Plants and animals diseases, threat of human life and
health-diseases caused by radiation |
Cessation of experiments with nuclear weapon |
Utilisation of natural resources, not taking
into consideration they are unregeneratable. Waste |
Danger of the total exhaustion of resources.
Lower level of life in the future |
Emphasis on creating strong things and repairing
them, not throwing away. Economical management of resources. |
3. Podsumowanie wypowiedzi i wyciagnięcie wniosków - w jaki sposób możemy
przyczynić się do złagodzenia skutków powyższych procesów.
Opracowanie: Anna Kacprzak